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Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

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Everything posted by Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

  1. I got caught of the Brownells one as Well,,, And I was Grumpy beyond Speach... Coffee and Ice tea Chasers... Jabez Cowboy
  2. We should be Collecting a Carbon Tax from the rest of the World, Not Paying One !!! Jabez Cowboy
  3. Canada is so far ahead on the CO2 issue that only 7% of our trees are needed to scrub out all our emissions, 93% are busy cleaning up the Mess of Others .... Jabez Cowboy
  4. The Willow Creek Gospel Music Jamboree is in the Books , back after the COVID nonsense... Jabez Cowboy
  5. I'm Up now instead of sleeping, With a Summer Cold,,, Double Grumpy! Jabez Cowboy
  6. Ya 50,000 tons dumped on Twit would be a Great Help... Jabez Cowboy
  7. But we know "most" guns are brought in from those Crazy Yanks South of the Boarder, even though "Norinco" guns are not imported into the USA... Our Government is about as smart as a bag of Sand... Jabez Cowboy
  8. A goodly percentage of Crime Guns here in Canada, started out as Law enforcement and Army "lost" guns ... Jabez Cowboy
  9. Those making these decisions are about as bright as a .7 watt bulb... Jabez Cowboy
  10. Another Stupid idea, They are telling People NOT to run the AC because the power grid can't handle the load ... Then buy a electric Firetruck to add to the load, one that can't pump near as much water as the old trucks... And still needs a Diesel engine ... Jabez Cowboy
  11. DDD ; Got Me-self a new job ... Interferes with life on the Range... Jabez Cowboy
  12. Can I be the one that puts the Cover back on ! After He's In ? Jabez Cowboy
  13. Well the Shadow Riders 4 day shoot is in the Books, first time the Club included WB... I made a bunch of Smoke and had a blast ... Coffee and Bearsign fer da Grumps .... The last day was almost constant Rain, Kinda makes one Cold and Grumpy.... Jabez Cowboy
  14. Hang Him for Treason !!! Jabez Cowboy
  15. The above contains enough truth tp blow 1,000 Liebral Minds... If they had one functioning mind in the Bunch. Jabez Cowboy
  16. Has He ever done anything NOT Stupid ? Coffee and Bearsign fer da Grumps Jabez Cowboy
  17. Getting Out to Shoot with Cowboy Friends, YA HOO! Back from Page 4 ... Priceless. Jabez Cowboy
  18. CLK : Ya is Slacking Off ... Page 6 right at the bottom. Jabez Cowboy
  19. De- winter-ized the motorhome today, filled up the water , checked LPG, tires etc. ready to go visit the grandkids. Also Ready fop up-coming Shoots ! Had a rough night last night spend 4 hours in emerg. Still can't seem to track down the problem... Jabez Cowboy
  20. I see the trouble maker in her eyes! Coffee a Blueberry Muffins fer da Grumps, well at least the first 10... Jabez Cowboy
  21. Kid are you going to make any of the bigger two and three day shoots this year ? You know if you come out here you have a place to stay, don't you ? The SASS Nationals is on the Island this Year, and they do it up right, great bunch out there! Hope you are doing OK ... Jabez Cowboy
  22. Coffee fer da Grumps ... If there are any around >>> Jabez Cowboy
  23. Went to a Gunshow Yesterday , didn't buy a Gun , Neither did Brian that was with Me ... A really sad Gunshow highly over priced Stuff, quality was Poor at Best, Sad ... Now i'm Grumpy !!! Jabez Cowboy
  24. Nice look on that Face ... Jabez Cowboy
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