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Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

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Posts posted by Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

  1. 56 years ago today I got my first motorcycle licence....

    One of my Bikes a GS 650 GL I have had for over 41 years, I put fresh rubber on it last fall, again...

    Old bikes like old friends are welcome, you know what to expect from them...


    Jabez Cowboy

    • Like 2
  2. It kinda seems that the Justice Minister's car being stolen,,, Seems like Justice...

    Car thefts are way up, in the Ottawa Area, since the Liebrals Came to power...

    Under the former Conservative Government they were declining... 


    Jabez Cowboy 

    • Like 3
  3. The main detraction from SASS events is "Wild Bunch" when WB came into being, most clubs cut way back on putting on interesting and Fun "Cowboy Sidematches".  For me Cowboy events are what I come for!!! including Cowboy Long Range single shot, both pistol Caliber and Rifle Caliber, Long range Lever, both Pistol Caliber and rifle Caliber...  Stake cutting, team shoots and Speed Rifle, Pistol, Pocket pistol, Shotgun And deringer...

    WB has cut into my enjoyment of Cowboy Matches Super Big Time...


    Jabez Cowboy

  4. But have you shot in Western Canada??? 

    Courtney B.C. on Vanvouver Island puts on a Great Shoot, and the Island (bigger that one of your States) is really pretty...

    All the best to you whatever the future holds...


    Jabez Cowboy

  5. Howdy;  I use 4.3 CC of Goex 3F plastic wad and 1 1/8 oz shot in 12 Ga. ,, 3.4 CC of Goex 3F plastic wad and 1 oz. of shot in 16 Ga. ,, 3 CC  of Goex 3F plastic wad and 7/8 oz of shot in 20 Ga...


    Jabez Cowboy

    • Like 1
  6. 66 books of the Bible, 6 x 8 x 1.3 inches thick, Rounded the spine a might, Wife Painted them all according to ie. Major/ minor Prophets each group getting a different paint color... Titles on the spine as well.  Acts gets to be Royal Blue...

    60 Wooden bird house kits, for out out-reach kids to make as part of one weeks lesson...

    50 Wooden Fishing rods, with reels (I turned on my lathe) 

    75 Wooden Bathtub Paddle wheel boats (powered by a rubber band)

    To name a few...


    Jabez Cowboy

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  7. Yep the plan to Shaft Canadians'

    That is why the illegal boarder crossers get 260% of what a person that worked 40 or more years and paid in the Maximum amount gets...



    Jabez Cowboy 

    • Sad 2
  8. "We are Not trying to plan for  an election." ................... But they Plan to Keep the little Hitler in power till October 2025... Not Planning Eh! But yet they set a Date! 

    They seem to have learned to lie almost as well as the Liebrals....


    Jabez Cowboy 

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