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Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

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Posts posted by Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

  1. My Mountain Bike has an worn-out old feller, that can't catch his breath in the cold walking...

    But should get on that leg powered devise more often, but with 13 miles to get grub...

    Back in the distant past I used to ice race on my YC 490, Makio 510, Can Am 250...


    Jabez Cowboy 



    • Like 1
  2. Great news!

    As far as that goes, but he made sure to wait long enough to allow a bunch of his minions, enough time to get GOLD plated lifetime pensions... 

    Once again giving Canadians the Shaft...


    Jabez Cowboy 

    Hey DDD 

    Ya is still alive ???


    Jabez Cowboy

    • Sad 1
  3. Good ta see some of ya Grumps, out and about !

    Stay warm, stay safe, and stay Grumpy!!!

    Highway is clear and Dry, it's too bad there is a 1/2 mile of pure ice between my house and the Highway...

    So the bikes sit,,,, Grumpy Grumpy GRUMP!!!


    Jabez Cowboy

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  4. We start with the pocket pistol loaded with 5, Deringer loaded with two, seated at the table across from you, with out standing, fire all seven shots at a 6 inch plate in the center of the bad guys chest, 7 hits nets you 35 points, and yes some shoot it duelist, I do with my derringer in .45colt and my pocket pistol in.38 S&W.


    Jabez Cowboy

  5. 7 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    There's a difference?


    19 hours ago, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

     The whole POINT is to disarm the law abiding so they are powerless against the Government and other criminals.... There I fixed it for you!


    Jabez Cowboy

    Criminals are organized, the government, not so much...


    Jabez Cowboy 

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  6. 7 hours ago, Tell Sackett SASS 18436 said:

    ALL gun control laws are aimed at law abiding citizens, since criminals don’t obey laws!!

    The whole POINT is to disarm the law abiding so they are powerless against criminals-or the government!!!

     The whole POINT is to disarm the law abiding so they are powerless against the Government and other criminals.... There I fixed it for you!


    Jabez Cowboy

    • Like 2
  7. It is often an issue of Tires,  get better tires. Get better Traction. 

    I have all wheel drive Chevy Trax, small SUV. My traction improved 300% when I ditched the factory Tires... 

    By the way if you run the fuel to low, all wheel drive cut's out, to conserve fuel... Just a Heads up...


    Jabez Cowboy

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  8. Not surprised, but then I thought Bill C-11 was a stupid Idea from the get go..

      We have a foot of Snow here, makes me even Grumper....

    Get out of da Snow, git in here a tell me a yarn.... Bring a log in on yer way.


    Jabez Cowboy

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