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Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

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Posts posted by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

  1. 25 minutes ago, Dirty Dog Doug said:


    pick up old.jpg


    Shoooot.... when I was a kid, there would've been a bunch of furniture in the back o' the pickup and the order would've been "Hang on to that stuff and DON'T let anything bounce out!  And make DAMNED sure the mirror on the back o' that dresser don't get busted!!"   :o

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  2. 45 minutes ago, Raylan said:



    The state's been pushing hard for years to develop the electric car market, with all sorts of incentives to manufacture, sell, buy and use 'em.  Hell... a few years ago, when he was Attorney General, Jerry Brown was pushing for electric bulldozers for road construction.  


    But you're right - almost one third of the electricity used in California is imported from other states.  We cannot build nukes, we cannot build dams for hydroelectric, coal is outlawed... that doesn't leave much.  Natural gas, wind, and solar.  


    Also note that the state is attempting to build a "high speed railway system."  The plan is for the thing to be powered by electricity.  How to pay for it?  I suspect by increasing the already absurdly high taxes on motor vehicles and fuel.


    Oh - and Gov Gav's requirement that all new housing must be constructed with solar generating systems.  


    I liked what my old pard Palouse once said, many years ago:  "If those people were serious they'd be eating boiled lawn clippings and only wearing clothes woven from their own hair!"

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  3. 6 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:





    That would be the companion piece to the Marlin Model 1895 (Big Bore) / 1895SBL  .45-70 Gov't.   :lol:


    From the Marlin website.  Note the intended game icons below the picture...  :rolleyes:


    MODEL 1895SBL

    ORDER NO: 70478 | MSRP: $1238.94

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  4. 2 hours ago, Chas B. Wolfson, SASS #11104 said:

    :FlagAm: The mismatched front tires are a dead giveaway to the intellectual prowess of the owner.



    The Kid noticed that, then checked and said no two tires matched.


    Kid called the police; when they arrived, the other driver said he had to call his truck's "owner."  Turned out to be his mother; she arrived with a bunch of papers for an expired insurance policy.  The police asked questions, but when the Kid asked about getting a copy of the report, they told him "The insurance companies will negotiate; we don't do reports anymore unless there are injuries."  The Kid - who was by this time pretty sore and in a bit of a grumpy mood - said "Well, my back hurts and I'm headed to the hospital as soon as we're done here, so start writin'!" 


    They did, and he did.  Examined and X-ray'd, Doc said he'd be stiff and sore for a while and to take a few days off.  The Kid said that his truck was in neutral and he'd just taken his foot off the brake when hit - "Dad, that truck had a static weight of close to 9,000 lbs and still got punted close to sixty feet."



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  5. 10 minutes ago, Sedalia Dave said:


    Where's the big truck with the failing brakes when you need it?


    Like this one that crashed into my son's 1-ton Ford Super Duty work truck yesterday?  Guy then yelled at the Kid for being stopped for a red light!  


    Fella must've been on an intellectual par with the kids in the meme - didn't think to turn off his engine, even though it was ingesting trim and body parts into the belts and pulleys and hemorrhaging coolant until it got hot enough to seize.  




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