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Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

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Posts posted by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

  1. 49 minutes ago, Alpo said:

    Reminds me of that Clint Eastwood Civil War movie, where he was a bushwacker and took refuge at a girl's school.


    One of the little girls was always out in the woods gathering mushrooms. She had a schoolgirl crush on Clint. Seems like she also had a pet turtle, which he killed while he was drunk, and he raped one of the older girls - or possibly the headmistress.


    Poison mushrooms for supper.


    "The Beguiled"


    One of Clint's creepier works.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Sixgun Sheridan said:

    Girlie men use Super Glue. Real men use JB Weld. :D


    2 hours ago, Michigan Slim said:

    That's for shoe and clothing repair! The glue fixes ya right up.



    Don't forget about BARGE CEMENT~!!  ;)


    Heck...we used it for everything from re-attaching boot soles to gluing Volkswagen crankcase halves together.  ^_^


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  3. 2 minutes ago, Michigan Slim said:

    I may have drank that much once but I aint tellin.


    Slim, are you dragging a picture in to the body of your post?  I've had something similar happen when I do that; if you save the graphic then use the "choose files..." next to the paper clip at the bottom of the page to load the picture it should work.  :)


    Maybe.  :rolleyes:

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