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Posts posted by Noz

  1. OK, Music of that era. I had a black soldier(drafted and not happy about it) in my unit in 1963. He came to my attention the first barracks inspection I had to do. He laid out 23 pair of shoes for inspection. His wall locker had several thousands of dollars in brocaded tuxedos. He was a member of a singing group that had had a hit record in the late 50s early 60s. His name was Hiawatha Hatter and he was greatly distressed that I did not recognize him.

    I cannot find him on any of the search engines and I can't remember the song or the group name.


    Help me out.

  2. Some of the things to consider with SXS shotguns is do they hold open while you shuck and reload? Do the have a prominent center lug that will cause loading problems? You have a choice between outside hammers and hammerless, single trigger or double trigger.

    On the single trigger you have a choice between momentum cocking or mechanical cocking.

    Baikal or Stoeger? I shoot and would re buy a Baikal.

    20 ga or 12? Most will tell you to stay with the 12 and I concur.

  3. I use to hunt a lot. Then slowed down to just deer season. Then not even deer hunt in past 4-5 years. But I always thought wild boar hunting would be fun. But I have a Marlin 1895 in 45-70 that would work well for that.

    Can't hog hunt in Missouri. The Conservation Dept got a grant from the US to eradicate all hogs in Missouri. They have made it illegal to shoot hogs. They claim it scatters the herds and make them more difficult to catch. They claim <_< to have caught and killed over 5000 in 2016. I sincerely doubt that number.

    Their latest venture was to close a section of hiking trails and hire a helicopter and a gunner to shoot all the hogs in an area. Two days of flying time and not a cap popped. There's a few thousand $ down the drain. :angry:

  4. One of my cowboy friends is doing powder coating for himself. So far he is greatly impressed. Junk equipment and hardware store powder.

    Only problem he has run into was trying to size some bullets that were not yet cool and he stripped the powder off of some. Same batch of bullets 24 hours later had no problems.

  5. One of my ancestors was married at 14, had 15 children, was widowed in her early 30s, raised all of the kids by herself on a Tennessee rocky top farm.

    I have a picture of her in her "widow weeds", sitting in her rocker with a corn cob pipe in her hand and a whiskey jug on the floor beside her. She was 104 years old when the picture was taken.

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