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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. ..... what did Canada do to you ? and NOT in Australia neither
  2. ......... could you please consider replacing the word "bigger" with ....... "STUPIDER" .... ?
  3. ......... interesting that this should be put up ... at this particular time ....
  4. ......... well it is solidified condensed milk ..... but it says "chocolate" on the packet .......
  5. ..................... actually the answer is usually brownish, unless it's white chocolate ......
  6. .... one didn't take his spurs off ............ they ALL didn't take their hats off .....
  7. I just ate .............. and now I feel hungry ...
  8. ....................... but they didn't take their hats off when inside nor at the table back then neither ......
  9. NO ! it's my other leg ..... but mine is nearly as big as that'n ...........
  10. .................... ummmmm, did anyone notice that this is page 100 ?
  11. ..... like I said ..... guilty as charged .....
  12. .................................................. guilty as charged .......
  13. ..... got to be a real booger in some parking stations .........
  14. ....... it only took me ONE visit for me to work that out .....
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