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Redleg Reilly, SASS #46372

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Posts posted by Redleg Reilly, SASS #46372

  1. 34 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:

    I was just on the BBC News website, odd...not one word about the United States' birthday celebrations.:P



    When visiting Great Britain in the 80's, we stopped at a lot of regimental museums.   When documenting their history, there was great detail about all the battles and operations the regiment served in, except during the American Revolution.   There was usually just on line like "served in north America, 1775 to 1779." It was really funny.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Sedalia Dave said:


    BTDT more times than I can count or even remotely remember. 

    I can remember running behind the battery as the XO, and almost getting drunk from the fumes coming off the members of the unit.  

    • Haha 3
  3. 7 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:


    Lots of changes since I left the Army.


    First was the embarrassing "new" emblem, that stupid kindergarten white star on the black back background.  I never served one second under that POS thing.  I wanted a new veteran's cap and couldn't find one with the "coat-of-arms" style so I found a patch and had one made.


    Next is the dress uniforms, both blues and greens, that have nothing to recommend them, no personality at all.


    Finally, if this cartoon is an example, they turned the enlisted stripes upside down...... again.

    British, not US....

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Texas Lizard said:

    Glad it is there...Living in California I would hate see us drop off as an island...The idea  of King Newson...Does not fly in my book.....


    Texas Lizard

    The rest of us outside of California are waiting......

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  5. 1 hour ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    Saw a Navy CPO do something similar with a 1911 in 1876.  He got four rounds in backward before he asked me for help.

    I knew you were old but 1876??

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  6. 2 hours ago, Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L said:


    And proud of it! Luckily I never had to prove my manhood by jumping out of a plane - that and all the weapon systems I served on couldn't be air dropped....

    • Haha 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

    Ah, now we have number 3.

    I’m curious, why would you open a thread if you’re tired of the same old crap? Or are you just hoping to entertain yourself by starting an argument?

    Nope.  I enjoy the branch bashing.  I just get tired of the endless "jokes" that Lieutenants are all idiots and officers in general are worthless.  And yes, I was a commissioned officer yet I am not continually saying things like how all the enlisted personnel I served with were a step from Leavenworth.

    • Like 5
  8. 3 hours ago, Pat Riot said:


    So now you’re the second guy to get miffed over these memes. 

    Here, this may help. 


    I'm not offended by it, just really tired of the same old crap.  At least I 'm not Francis.....

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