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Rye Miles #13621

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Posts posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. 2 minutes ago, Texas Joker said:

    So I get this sentiment not looking for partisan views.


    But really trying to understand the process.  I know the difference between a primary and a caucus. I get that delegates go to convention and vote for a candidate. But aren't most primary/ caucuses complete by now?


    I'd fell pretty butthurt if I was a very strong #2 at a tournament and the #1 guy dropped out and I didn't even get a spot on the podium.


    So other than kamala who was actually in the primaries that could get the nod?

    As I understand it, it's an open convention and the delegates can vote for whomever they want. Kamela was endorsed by Biden but that doesn't mean the delegates have to vote for her. Remember he didn't drop out as POTUS he dropped out of the race for the next election. He will continue his term. If he dropped out right now as POTUS then Kamela would be president until Jan 2025. I could be wrong but that's the way I understand it.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

    Here are the companies that make kiosks in North America - pass over the “give your email portion or you will receive tons of tech related emails. 



    How kiosks are made



    These companies do have employees. Lots of them. I wonder how many are former aerospace workers?


    Regarding of the jobs created in this field, I really don’t care. We have a burgeoning society of introverts and socially inept morons. Ever hang out in the IT department of a large agency or corporation? If so, you would encounter some of the people I mentioned above. Introverted, suspicious, sometimes hostile. Many or most are tech savvy and interpersonal relationship ignorant. 
    If this offends anyone I apologize. Not all techies are like this. I sure wasn’t but one would have to admit the people attracted to these jobs are a bit different for sure. 

    The entire kiosk business does create lots of jobs, but at what cost in the end?



    It’s kinda like when the horseless carriage came along and the wagon and buggy makers were being slowly edged out of their jobs. Oh well, time marches on!

  3. 29 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

    It’s not because of technology. It’s because it removes the human element. Also, it costs jobs. No jobs means more government control over people. More gov’t manipulation. 

    What about the people that actually design, produce and maintain these machines? I bet they make a helluva lot more than a cashier who knows absolutely nothing but how to ring up a sale.

    I'm a big fan of self serves, I use them whenever I can!:)

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  4. 3 hours ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:

    Spent last weekend in Reno, for a "Celebration of Life" for my Uncle Frankie; a terrific guy who will be and is missed.


    But that's why I was in Reno.  And while there, Ms Helen Brimstone thought we'd pop into a McD's for a quick breakfast before dropping in on my aunt.  


    So we walked in.  And waited.  And waited.  And waited even more, then figgered we might as well use the self-service kiosk.  What a pain in the a$$ that was!  I s'pose for a kid, it would be intuitive.  For us - not so much.  You could order a meal; you could order individual items; but you could not order more than one individual item.  I wanted two Sausage Burritos and a large coffee; no way.  I could get a Sausage Burrito meal with one burrito, a small coffee, and a hash brown.  But no way would it let me order what I wanted.   


    Finally, in frustration, we managed to flag down a random young lady working behind the counter.  Sorta.


    "Uh... Miss?  Can you take our order?"


    She gave us a surprised look, then replied "Well, technically, no.  We're not allowed to take orders anymore.  You gotta use the kiosk!  But I can help you if you need help!"


    We did.  *Grump!*


    "Here!  I'll show you!" she said, and keyed in our order, with her fingers flying across the screen so fast we'd never be able to repeat what she did.  But I did learn that the key to MY order was to first order a coffee, select "Large," then order an individual burrito and then order a second individual burrito.  Ms Brimstone's order was much simpler; a Sausage McMuffin Combination meal.  Our order number was 6-4-3.


    We sat and waited.  And waited.  And waited some more.  Finally, an announcement was made for "Order Number 1-4-3."  Hm.  Better go check.  Yup... that was ours.


    Now, this is odd... Ms Helen's Sausage McMuffin was shrunk!  Literally about a third small than they were just a few weeks ago.  And then, after two bites, Helen lifted the lid off and revealed that it was actually a Sausage-less McMuffin.  Even though the order was for Sausage and the wrapper declared it to be a Sausage McMuffin.


    Sadly, this was not an isolated incident.  I will take advantage of the $1 drink while we can, but otherwise, done with those clowns.  



    Does Nevada have $20.00 min wage? I don’t blame McDonalds at all! 
    All the ones around here have the kiosks too but there’s also at least one person to take your order. I’ve seen young people ordering from the human also!! No one likes those kiosks.

  5. 1 hour ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:


    It may not have made it to Ohio yet, but in a lot of places they are removing the "Fill it yourself" fountain because they're doing away with free refills.:(

    I’ve heard something about that. I think it’s coming soon!🙄

  6. 35 minutes ago, Matthew Duncan said:

    What I read was he was registered Republican at the local level but at national level he was registered as a Democrat.  More I thought about it the less sense it made but I couldn’t retrace to find where I read it.

    Fox reported he was registered as a Republican and voted in the state elections in 2022. No clue how he voted but he gave $15 to a lefty group not long ago. He wasn’t old enough to vote in the national election. 

  7. 54 minutes ago, Warden Callaway said:

    Cutting out as much sugar,  I almost never drink soda. I can't stand diet cola.  I've been away from it so long I can't stand any of it. I drink a lot of tea. Brewed or instant.  Mary has been buying me unsweet Pure Leaf tea for convenience when we are on a drive. But they don't stock it with lemon.  In any case, it's a lot cheaper by the 6 pack in store than one at a time out of a convenience store. 


    I did succumb to temptation and bought a Coke made in Mexico with real cane sugar. It tasted like I remember Coke when I was a kid. The regular crap now is awful.  I understand McDonald's get a special mix of Coke. Supposedly,  it tastes better.  

    I hardly ever drink coke or Pepsi but after a long day at the shoot and an hour ride ahead, I wound up with a Coke at McDonald’s and it was pretty tasty! 

  8. My 2022 Encore reminds to check in that back seat. It only does it when it’s really hot or really really cold . I don’t know the temperatures it’s programmed for but it only goes on when it’s extreme. It also tells me watch for icy roads when it’s really cold.

  9. 16 minutes ago, PaleWolf Brunelle, #2495L said:

    Also not according to dictionaries:


    soft drink
    : a usually carbonated nonalcoholic beverage
    especially : SODA POP

    Okay 👍🏻 It does say “ usually  carbonated” . I mean how much would it cost them to include iced tea on their special?

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