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Rye Miles #13621

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Posts posted by Rye Miles #13621

  1. 3 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

    Doc referred to Matt in different ways.

    When talking with Kitty, Festus, Newt,.....  he would call him Matt.

    If he were talking with a patient or someone who needed some help or advice, he would refer to him as Marshall Dillon if the patient didn't know Matt.

    But when a person knew Matt and the Doc was trying to emphasize Matt as a strong character, he often referred to him at MATT DILLON.


    Example:  when some of those bad guys tried to take over the town or want to gun down Matt, there were times Doc would say 

    something like....... "Matt Dillon will kill you".    


    Remember those few episodes with Steve Forest?






    I had to look him up! Mannon, he beat the living daylights out of Kitty but Matt wound up getting him!

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  2. 4 minutes ago, sassnetguy50 said:

    Some cultures talk that way.  Another possibility is that the actors don't know what will make the final cut and what will be on the editor's floor, so every sentence has to stand on it's own.

    Culture in Dodge City in the 1880’s?? I doubt they talked like that. 
    It’s the only show on TV that’s had dialogue like that. I think it was the directors and writers. Stupid to my ears!

  3. I’m a big Gunsmoke fan but I can’t recall what Doc called him. 

    The thing that bugs me is the dialogue between Matt and Chester. The use each others names multiple times in one conversation.


    Well Chester I think we should ride out after them , Well Mr Dillon I agree. Should I get your horse Mr. Dillon? Yes Chester go get it. Okay Mr Dillon I’ll go now. Well thanks Chester!!! 🙄 How many times do the have to repeat their names?😳

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Old Man Graybeard said:

    Rye...I don't know about the regular Victory...but the Performance Center Victory I have handled...is the biggest piece of crap I have had the misfortune of handling. It is a friend of mines weapon...and he is going to send it back. A left handed person cannot use it at all. The oversize mag release is very light and when I go to fire it...my trigger finger bumps..(touches) it and the mag falls out...or if you lay it on that side...mag pops out. The threaded bushing the screw in front of the trigger guard goes into was loose from the factory...very inaccurate that way. 

    My friend has several Victory's including the Performance Center one. He has no problems with any of them. Maybe it was a lemon, it does happen you know.


    This guy loves it, scroll down to the review.


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  5. Auto correct doesn’t really bother me because I catch the mistake before I post it. It actually helps spelling some words that are tricky to spell . I don’t see a big problem here.

  6. My friend saw it and said it was boring as all heck! He’s a big westerns fan and cowboy shooter. Everyone has their own opinion. I’ll see it soon…….

  7. 45 minutes ago, Trailrider #896 said:

    Without being argumentative or being nit-picky, I would not say Butch and Suni need "rescuing". That would imply they are in peril of their lives by having to remain on the space station. They are certainly in for a much longer deployment than they expected when they launched on the Starliner test flight. And, yes, it is certainly a great thing that Elon Musk's SpaceX Dragons are designed with extra capabilities than normally the case. 


    When Starliner departs the Station unmanned, its crew will need a "lifeboat" in case the station needed to be evacuated, such as when there is a danger of space debris colliding with it, which has been temporarily at various times. To provide for such a contingency, two extra seats will be configured in the Crew-8 spacecraft currently docked at the Station.  Deorbiting and reentering in that configuration would not be the best thing, but doable. Crew-8 will depart in the four-crew configuration, however. In a few days, Crew Dragon-9 will launch from the Cape, but with two astronauts instead of four, with ballast and additional supplies, including two space suits compatible with the Dragon, for docking toward the end of September. The two members of -9 will stay aboard the Station until February 2025 or so, and Butch and Suni will also, returning from the Station aboard the Crew-9 craft. NASA has not announced which two astronauts or an astronaut and a cosmonaut will be "bumped" from the flight. They will certainly be disappointed, but will probably be reassigned to a future flight crew.  Meanwhile, Butch and Suni will become part of the Station's operations, conducting experiments and doing maintenance. 


    All-in-all, this was the best decision that could be made with the Starliner's problems. What will be interesting is what Boeing is going to do with the Starliner design.  Whatever they do, will take time and some interesting engineering. We do need a backup to the Dragons.

    It sure would be nice if they can get home before February. I don’t know if Elon can do it or if he would even be allowed. I meant Elon could rescue them sorta tongue in cheek. Get it ? 🙄

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