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Forty Rod SASS 3935

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Posts posted by Forty Rod SASS 3935

  1. I have three shoe-boot repair places. Two don't even want to discuss it, the third is the guy I mentioned before.  I may have to work with him.


    There are lots of good workmen here but none is free for backlog reasons like making CCW and tactical goods, and if they are free to do the work they are usually making rigs for SAA types, '75 Outlaws  and few for Schofields.

  2. I'll try both ways.  There's a man here who makes the best holsters I've ever seen, except he won't do it any way but his way.  I have three of his rigs, but I walked away on this one and one before that.


    If you want a really exactingly perfect historical rig he's the man to see.  Show him a picture and wait for a few months and you'll get a wonderful rig, even down to tooling and carving.

  3. On 7/28/2024 at 12:22 PM, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

    A number of years ago there was a newly ordained Catholic priest by the name of Father Conor O'Malley. 
    Due to family connections, his first assignment is The Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity located on Barronstrand Street in Waterford City, Ireland.
    He finds it's a huge old cathedral with a 43 meter spire and 49 meters of balconies accross it's transepts and can seat over 1000 people during services.
    Father O'Mally is assigned to the local Monsignor for training and familiarization with local customs and procedures. After about three months, he's finally ready to give his first Mass. 
    He's nervous; but he completes the mass and then meets up with the Monsignor and asks "Monsignor, how did I do?" 
    The Monsignor says "Father O'Malley, you did OK for your first Mass. You were obviously a little nervous. I've been doing this a long time, so here's a little advice. Before your next Mass, dring a little Whiskey. It'll calm you down and warm you up, and you'll be fine."
    Unlike the stereotypical Irishman, Father O'Malley has never had a drink in his life so he doesn't know what a little Whisky is; but he figures that the guy at the liquor store is an expert. 
    So he goes to the local liquor store and says "I need a little Whisky." The store clerk sets down a fifth of Tullamore Dew. As far as Father O'Malley is concerned, THAT is a little Whiskey. Before his next Mass, he drinks the whole bottle. When he's done, he again asks "Monsignor, how did I do?"
    The Monsignor says: "Father O'Malley, if you are going to continue to say Mass at this Parish, we need to get a few things straight:
    1) There are 10 commandments, not 12.
    2) There were 12 Apostles, not 10.
    3) You will not refer to Jesus Christ as the Late Great J.C.
    4) Nor will you refer to the Trinity as Old Man, Junior, and the Spook.
    5) David slew Goliath, he did not kick the shit out of Goliath.
    6) Jesus Christ was crucified, not circumcised.
    7) And finally, next week there is a taffy pulling contest at St. Peter's, not a peter pulling contest at St. Taffy's"

    I heard #4 was "Daddy O, Laddy-O and the Spook."  Either way it's still hilarious.....and it's older than either of us, maybe both of us together.  



    • Haha 3
  4. 1 hour ago, Pat Riot said:

    We had separate bathrooms in the last house we had in CA. I liked it. 
    Now we have a small 850-900 sg ft home with one bathroom. 

    That's a mighty small house.  Where do keep your guns? :huh:

  5. Utah has the 24th of July which is the date it became a state. That's he only one I know of, but it's never come up before.


    They used to alternate celebrations, large one one year and a smaller one three weeks later, then reverse it the next year.  I seem to remember that we shared the parades with Ogden: one year the big one in Logan and a smaller one in Ogden the switch the following year.


    I haven't lived there in 54 years and don't know if they even celebrate either one any more.


    FWIW, Ogden used to have truly wonderful rodeo on the 4th through the 6th every year.  Logan's rodeo was much smaller, just one Saturday around the 24th, but a good place for kids to get in some show time and learn the ropes.

  6. I have a Cimarron Arms First Model American sixgun with an 8" barrel that needs a western style holster and so far I can't even find anyone who knows what the gun is or looks like.  I don't want anything fancy, maybe on the order of the Slim Jim style and a matching belt.  Most importantly, I want to work with the craftsman to get it like I want it and I don't want the gun to be at the shop for months on end.  Someone in the vicinity of Prescott Valley Arizona would be ideal.


    Any suggestions or recommendations?

  7. 8 hours ago, bgavin said:

    Do your research first.
    Some folks opt for one eye up close, the other eye far away.
    This would drive me batshit bonkers.

    This is not something you can have buyer's remorse and change the lenses like your hair color.

    Myself, I would opt for both eyes at 20/20 infinity clarity.
    And use glasses for computer screen and reading.

    My Dad was an eye doctor, and had glasses for every occasion.
    He even had a set of upside-down bifocals for working in the garage pit under the car.


    I had a pair of those made when I was managing a book store.  (Before I got the transplants.) Saved me from standing on my head whilse working the shelves.  I had a regular pair for desk and table work.

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

    Like grinding garlic is better than slicing.

    I use a mortar and pestle simply because I have them and they're  easy to use and clean.


    Never used that other stuff so I don't even know what y'all are talking about.  :o

    • Like 1
  9. I have regretted selling my 2009 Tacoma from the moment I turn the keys over to the new owner.


    It had nine years and only 29,000 miles on it and the only problem I had with it involved driving through a keg of roofing nails that fell off a truck at the two year mark: all four tires, two rims, and a bunch of dings and scratches along the lower right side.  The truck owners paid to have it brought back to new condition.


    They also paid for the two cars behind mine, both with more damage than my truck. 

    • Like 1
  10. On December 7th, 1941 we lost fewer people than we did at the World Trade Center.


    In less time than this last bunch of leftist idiots have been in office we joined some allies and in a bit less than four years we destroyed countries; over threw governments; wrecked untold millions of dollars worth of historical places, buildings, and other treasures; directly or indirectly were responsible for millions of deaths... both military and civilian including men, women, children old and young and in between, the sick, disabled, mentally challenged, etc.; erased million of dollars worth of irreplaceable arts, literary works, scientific plans, projects, and formulas; ruined economies; and even changed landscapes.





  11. After a large search of every web site I could think and a dozen or so local stores I wandered into a little ACE Hardware store about six blocks away. They didn't have any in stock but they will call me Friday when they arrive.  Pay on receipt will set me back a whopping $34.00.


    Sometimes things are so easy that they are embarrassing.


    Thanks, folks.

    • Like 2
  12. Kris, I had mine done in 2008.  I love them and they have improved the technology over the years.  A friend had his done about a year ago and he got "reactive" lenses.  They are designed to change focus like real lenses.  Mine are fixed focus so anything outside of about ten feet is in focus, but I still need glasses for close up work.  They offered me one close up and one like I got but I rejected it because they showed me what it would be like and it made me sick.  Sort of like seasick.


    Two years ago I was taken in to a specialist to have the "scum" lasered off of my lenses.  I was told I'd need it done again in another 15 or 16 years.  I'm 82 so I don't think I'll worry about it much.  I was an hour in the waiting room and fifteen minutes getting the work done


    Next to my fully implanted .22 cartridge-size pace maker these are my favorite gadgets.  I absolutely love both of them.


    Tell you what: get them done and give it a week for you to get used to them, and then you and Uno come to Arizona and I'll buy you breakfast or lunch...or both.  I'll even throw in a great supper.



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    • Haha 2
  13. 8 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

    Oh, so if it didn’t work for you then it works for nobody? Gimme a break. 

    My generalization is as good as yours, and as a general rule I don't give anyone a break..... as a general rule.  


    There have been exceptions from time to time.

    • Haha 2
  14. Seems I remember seeing a device that you screw into a light socket and then screw the bulb into the the sensor.  Can't find such a gizmo anywhere.


    I have solar on-off light bulbs, but can't find anything similar unless I'm willing to buy an entire light fixture, which I'm not.  Suggestions?

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