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irish ike, SASS #43615

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Posts posted by irish ike, SASS #43615

  1. 8th grade teacher was trying to make a point about telling stories or rumors. So she handed a kid a note and said read this and then turn and repeat what it said to the kid behind you. And so on until the last kid had been told the story. 25 or so kids were told the story. She then had the last kid stand up and repeat what was said. Then she had the first kid stand up and read exactly what the story was.  It was completely different. Things were dropped and added onto.  So don't spread rumors.

    Sort of like the media.

  2. Ask a bunch of questions about the outcome.  They do a reverse joint. Ball is screwed to your shoulder blade. Socket is pushed into the end of your humerus. It changes the geometry of your shoulder rotation. I can't reach behind my back to tuck my shirt in or use a small of the back holster. Also you won't be able to raise your arm straight up. About 85%. Doc said thats the normal outcome.


    I had a detached ligament. I was told not to lift over 15 lbs or risk detaching the ligament again. I've learned to use my left arm a lot since surgery. 6 weeks recovery depends on you, your therapist, and the extent of the re-work.  


    Good luck.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Rip Snorter said:

    If you don't like the police, please don't ask for their help.  Others can use it.

    Never said I didn't like the police. Just pointing out that cops can have crappy attitudes also. Whats interesting is the patrol cops depend on their leadership to keep them up to date on laws and court rulings. Then they come across a citizen who nows the law better and they find out the hard way the citizen is right.   $$$$$$$$ money being paid from lawsuits.

    Is YouTube full of videos showing cops in a bad light? No. Its full of videos of cops who need more training and respect for the laws and rights in place.

    • Like 1
  4. Insane how many people screw with trucks. 80,000 lbs of death and destruction. Brake checking one leads to some serious results.  If I see one with it signal on wanting over I'll slow down and let them in. If I pass I come back into their lane with a signal and plenty of distance between us. They're doing their job. They don't need our petty BS.

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  5. On 9/4/2024 at 9:17 AM, Major Hazzard, SASS #23254 said:

    A civil servant just doing his job doesn't deserve that attitude

    What about all the cops that have really bad attitudes?  Telling people to shut up, not answering questions, won't identify themselves, claim they know the law better than the driver. And in most cases on YouTube the driver is right about the law and or their civil rights. Retaliation against the driver because they knew their rights. Cops call that being uncooperative. Usually end up cuffing the driver. Its not being a sovereign citizen for standing by their rights.  Funny how many cops think the 5th amendment only applies if y9our arrested. And they arrest someone for not answering questions.  Even sCOTUS has said do not talk to cops. Invoke your rights.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 9/3/2024 at 5:26 PM, Alpo said:

    Pretty sure the Supreme Court has declared it constitutional.


    It is as long as the cops have RAS. Reasonable articulable suspicion that 1. a crime has occurred, 2. you're in the process of committing a crime, 3. you're about to commit a crime. Suspicion in of itself is not a crime. and they just can't stop you and frisk you.  New York got sued  a bunch because cops were just searching people with no RAS.

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  7. 38-55 is a good cartridge for SASS long range.  SASS long range really isn't long range. Most ranges can offer 100 to 200 yards. Most SASS LR matches are the most hits in the least amount of time.  No bulls eye ever. Cimarron products are top notch.

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  8. The guy did what he was legally required to do.

    He does not have to answer any questions

    He does not have to roll his window down, no law on the books anywhere for that.

    He does not have to tell them where he's been or where he's going.

    He does not have to tell them if he's been drinking.

    Chewing gum is now considered a "suspicious" act by the driver. Thats just funny.

    Many of these check points are the result of getting Federal grants. So its let's go spend some Federal money and get some OT pay!


    The Border Patrol stops are even worse.

    • Thanks 1
  9. My Uberti's wouldn't let you touch the trigger as it would prevent the hammer from being pulled back. A safety thing. As a dualist I found it frustrating. I had the innards re-done to allow the hammer to be pulled back. It also now allows slip hammering.

  10. So.............Chapter 2 was supposed to be released in August. Delayed until? Chapters 3 & 4 put on hold. Costner is trying to get Netfix to produce them. Money wise, Chapter 1 was not a good investment.

  11. Lived is So. Cal for 47 years. Anything under 6 I didn't get excited. Look at a Calif. fault map. It looks like a road map. 

    I worked as an Architect designing hospitals. They have to be designed to be operational after the big one. After the 71 quake where hospitals were taken out of service because a sewer line in the ceiling broke, or generators came off their pads things changed quickly. The new design codes added about 20% to construction costs!

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  12. The pushing/promoting/selling the idea that you can't get a good job with good pay without a college degree started in the 60's. HS graduates have been told you need to go to college. It will cost you $$$$$ but its worth it.  I read somewhere 40% of college graduates end up not working in their field of study.


    You can go to trade school, get paid, and start a creer in 1 year earning what she's earning. Great benefits, reiirement etc. And a hige demand for trade workers.

    While there is no demand for someone with a degree in women's studies, gender studies, etc, actual degrees. 

    • Like 4
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  13. Ok, I have to be that guy. Edison didn't invent the light bulb. There were several inventors trying to create a dependable long lasting bulb. Edison through experimentation finally found a filament that wouldn't burn out in a vacuum. He then patented it and began production.


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