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Waddie Shoot at EoT

Drago SASS #2995L

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The Waddie Shoot at the 2006 End of Trail will consist of the following:


One stage will be shot each day for three days, Thursday June 22nd, Friday June 23rd & Saturday June 24th.


The “Waddie Shoot” will be conducted on the same bay as the “Conventioneer Shoot”, during the same period of time the bay is open for conventioneer and vendor competitors.


The bay will have available the necessary firearms to shoot the three waddie stages, provided by various manufacturers.


The ammunition required will be provided by “Ken’s TEN X” Ammunition Company, with the basic cowboy calibers available. (.45 LC, and .38 lead only)


Note: Waddies will be allowed to use either the provided manufacturer firearms or ammunition or they may provide and use their own firearms and ammunition.


The bay will be set up to allow any waddie can go to the bay during their free time and shoot the course of fire and to have their score recorded. A special colored waddie score card will be used.


Completed score card MUST be returned to the waddie shack no later than Saturday to be tallied by the appropriate scoring personnel (either CD Tom or Padre PW) and the overall winners determined.


A buckle and plaque will be awarded to the top male and top female waddie shooter.


Additionally, each waddie competitor will receive a certificate of participation for the “End of Trail 2006 Waddie Shoot.”


Is this going to be in place of the "Previous Saturday/Sunday shoot – No Prizes – No Score" or is it in addition to?




This is the one and only "Waddie Shoot". The shoot was moved to during EOT so all waddies have the opportunity to shoot it and SASS was kind enough to work it out so the ammo and firearms are provided. If you want to use your own firearms and /or ammo you can as well. We hope every waddie avails themselves of the shoot, Drago worked hard to get this set up for you.


Do we sign up ahead of time? Where do we sign up?

Enquiring minds want to know.

can I get extra points for cookies? I need all the help I can get :wacko:


I think the Cookie Queen should be spoted -5 sec and LayLow Curley can donate the 5 sec from his score, penality for wanting to be Numro uno!!!!!!


I'll give you points Fancy. More seconds off for seconds of cookies anytime!




If you ask Travis, He'll tell you another 5 seconds and the next shooter is gonna be waiting 'til afternoon that day.


I'm so slow they got rid of the sundial they used for Travis and bought a calendar!


Thanks Drago and Chiz for the opportunity to shoot more.




Should be lots of fun.


Laylow: Can they borrow your calendar to time me, too?


Hey, at least we get a certificate for shooting!


Pie Crust,


Sure, you can use my calendar, but yer gonna have to use another month. June will be all used up!





P.S. if Fancy doesn't get around to makin you yer own style of cookies, I'll help you snag some from Travis!


Rev. Read

We were concerned about leather. Likely the guns will be staged, BUT just incase, if you are going to shoot their guns…bring your own leather.

Pass the word


Now we gone and done it. Laylow will bring his leather outfit all right, BUT it's that slick, black stuff you see in the Sato-macochistic movies. I can see it now..........ohhhhhhh my eyes!!!!!!!! :lol::wacko::D:D

Guest Tom Muley, SASS #27759


Did I hear something about black shinny leather? I hope it's NOT a thong, that's just wrong.


Hey Tom,


Travis is just spreading awful rumors.


He really wanted a set of wooly chaps to match his thong.


Besides, y'all know I wouldn't wear SHINEY Black leather, it would clash with my brown chaps.





Hey fellers and Fancy Free ..... Pie Crust is the chuckwagon boss at my spread and makes a mean cookie her ownself. Iffn' ya ask real civil like she'll rustle up something for your possibles sack too. Beggin' Fancy Free's leave, of course.


Silvermane .... what knows his cookies


The more cookies the better :wacko:

As for Laylow and his leather thong....................ohhhhhhhhhh I just HAVE to bang that out of my mind! :D


Laylow: I'll use July. That's my birth month anyway, so it will be as slow as June, I think.


Hey all: Fancy is OK--was just a cold. Whew!!! :(



Travis in a thong? (actually just about anyboy but one cowboy whose initials are HD or dudes with rear views like his) would be scary. :FlagAm::huh:;);)


Travis, Ya'lls a makin' fun of LLC, but ya aint never seen him in leather, chains, mask, tall boots, carryin' a bullwhip in one hand 'n a cookie in the other. :huh:

I jus dont git close 'nuff ta see the thong (dont wanna go blind). :FlagAm:



Lookin' forward ta seein' all you Pards this year!! ;);)


Shiny black Leather thong, Wolly thongs

You guys just gave me a setback. Don't know if I can bake any cookies for THEM kind of COWBOYS. :huh:

Piecust, we may just have to have apple crisp for ourselves :FlagAm:

:huh: Don't get me wrog, I DON'T WANT TO SEE HIM IN A THONG! Just the thought of it scares me sooooooooooo much. I'm working and looking for cookies and apple crust only. :FlagAm:

Nice save Travis,

By the way, you gonna bring them PRETTY guns, and shoot them?

I'm bringin the Yellow Boy!


I'll bring something to go bang with. At least one fancy one to shoot with my Fancyfree.............brother that was lame! :FlagAm:

  • 1 month later...

Bighorn if time allows, Buckshot Johnson Jr, IL Be Driftin, & Washoe Billy

will all be shootin.


I think Laylow might be able to take Fancyfree in a fair gun fight, okay maybe not a fair one, so IF he shows up with a dress on can he shoot for the woman belt buckle? I hear he's just Dandy Pansy. (That should get his thong panties in a bind). :D


Well better my panties in a bind, ;)


than your woolie thong in a bunch! :D






That should obviate the need for coffee ;)




I'll bring some toys...... :D





Laylow, all kidding aside I know you'll do great at the shoot and I wish you the best of luck. You work hard and play well. What more can you ask?


;) LLC: Are you trying to steal Travis' cookies already?


I have a question about shooting--since we can use sponsors' guns and ammo, do we need to even bring our guns?


THE REALLY BIG QUESTION---- I normally dress B-Western, which includes my leather and guns. Logic tells me waddies probably shouldn't wear guns around camp when we're working, but I'd like to know for sure, so I can leave them at our "home for the week", if necessary. :D


Chiz was making the arrangements for firearms and ammunition for the waddie shoot. The last I heard was both will be provided, BUT you never know for sure until you see them. It is suggested you bring your own firearms and holsters IF you want to be sure, or if you prefer to use your own equipment.

Chiz was making the arrangements for firearms and ammunition for the waddie shoot.   The last I heard was both will be provided, BUT you never know for sure until you see them.  It is suggested you bring your own firearms and holsters IF you want to be sure, or if you prefer to use your own equipment.



I'm bringing my gear because I'm going to send my Ruger Birdshead Vaqueros back with West Fargo for action jobs. Really wondering if waddies can wear guns while working?


yes, but not after 5 PM in town. As Laylow said in another wire posting, when the alcoholic beverages come out all guns must be put away.


This may sound greedy but think about this. Drago talked SASS into providing the waddie shoot, as well as having the ammunition and guns available, as another benefit who those who work EOT instead of enjoying it along the side line. A RO waddie gets to shoot EOT for free, all other waddies get this. Make the best of it, or you may lose it in the future.


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