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Best Dressed Waddie Contest

Drago SASS #2995L

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O.K. Waddies, again this year there will be a ‘Best Dressed Waddie’ category, I know a few Lady Waddies are going to try, but come on guys, shake the dirt off your dudds and give it a try….. Don’t let the ladies show you up there will be a first place winner for male and female


Don’t forget you get points for presentation / accessories too!…so go all out


Look for the sign up form in your Waddie packet or at the Waddie Shack


Let Travis or I know you are going to participate so we know you are taken’ a break from your duties to be judged


Last year there was some mis-communication about this contest and we want you to be sure and sign up, then show up and be judged accordingly. As Drago told you, just let us know you want to attend the contest and we will work out an arrangement so you can participate. Enjoy all of End of Trail you can, you work hard to make the event great and deserve to participate in as much as possible.


Are there any photos of past winners and runner-ups?




Cracker, A Waddie is what makes the shoot possible. We are the workers.

Check out the EOT page and click on Waddie sign up. That gives a pretty good over view.

Now what I'll add is this

you can't have more fun with your clothes on. Also check out "Calling All Waddies" on this page.

We work and have a ball doing it. I have been a Waddie for 6 years. Would I come all this way from Illinois if I didn't have FUN?

Join us.



Check the Chronicle, May-June last year, I think they printed some photos of the winners



What’s your profile, are you a SASS member? If you are, there must be two of you with the alias of Cracker…..the Cracker I know…..knows what a Waddie is!


Fancy, ;) you show up just so you can tell a lot of cowboys where to go and they enjoy it. :huh:


Footloose :FlagAm: (who is always being told where to go)


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