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SASS Wire Forum


Misty Moonshine

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A note to all Forum Users:


The goal of the SASS Wire Forums is to provide a fun and resourceful place that users can come and discuss topics in regards to SASS and Cowboy Action Shooting. We also want to celebrate free exchange of information and conversation, and realize that "spirited" discussion can happen at times when the subject matter is one that we feel passionately about.


It can be a challenge to express ideas and opinions in the written word and nearly impossible to judge intent of the manner of which it is intended. Please keep that in mind when posting on the forums- be considerate of the challenges we all face when trying to communicate on the SASS Wire. We are not looking to curtail expression- everyone has their opinions and are entitled to them. We want to make sure that everyone is able to participate fully and express themselves without fear of ridicule.


There IS a difference between a debate and an argument. Arguments are disrespectful and will not be tolerated.  Treating each other with respect is paramount.


Please be considerate of the challenges that we all face when trying to communicate on the SASS Wire.


Please refer to the following excerpt from the Guidelines: 


 Inappropriate or offensive content and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. To assist in defining inappropriate content, ask yourself the following questions when making a post:

- Is this message SASS-related? (with the exception of the Saloon forum)

- Is this message something most members would like to read?

- Does this message add value to the forum?

- Is this something I would say to a person face-to-face?

*If you cannot answer yes to all of these questions, please reconsider posting your message. 


IGNORE FEATURE TIP: If you find there is a forum user that you no longer wish to see posts from,-regardless of the reason, there is a feature built in to the SASS Wire Forums that allows you to "IGNORE" a User. There are a few ways this can be accomplished. You can either hover over the member's icon that you wish to ignore and a "Ignore" option will come up- taking you to your Ignored Users page within YOUR account. This is where you can manage the content you see within the Forums. You can also arrive at your Ignored Users page within your account by clicking on the down arrow next to your name/account info in the top right corner and select "Ignored Users". This is similar to "unfollowing" someone in Facebook. 


Thank you,

Misty Moonshine & the SASS Wire Moderating Team





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