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Scott Brown makes it official - he's running for US Senate from NH


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After he’d told us how he hates excessive regulation, and how he supports school choice, local decisions, charter schools, home schooling, vouchers and the whole nine yards, including the ominous line “getting you the help you need”, I had an opening: I asked him if, based on those positions, he favored the elimination of the Department of Education (Something that conservatives have wanted ever since Carter created it). Much waffling, but basically no shrinkage of the Leviathan State there. Worse, when answering a subsequent question, he let on that he thought Arne Duncan was a pretty good Education Secretary, and better than the average Obama appointee (a very low bar to clear).

On the 2nd Amendment, as Skip noted, aside from blaming others for the poor opinion that NH conservatives have of his position, he whined about how his NRA rating fell as a result of remarks, not actual votes. Listen, if you fell into the trap of “must do something about ‘assault’ weapons” after Newtown, that means (A) you don’t have a principled position to stand on, and ( B ) you don’t have the courage of your supposed 2nd Amendment convictions. Listen, I bet ‘Scared’ Shurtleff loves to shoot his guns as well, but he, too, does not trust the plebes with them.

What blew it for me was Brown’s insistence that we’d never have to worry about gun control coming up if we just had a Republican majority in the Senate! Hah! Perhaps he should actually talk to a few New Hampshire-ites about GOP Senates and gun control Trust me Senator Brown – principles matter!

Then there was the little matter of the Constitution – when asked a question which went to the heart of the Constitution, Brown waffled as usual, but what he did say was remarkable – paraphrasing: “The constitution has been amended and altered by countless judicial decisions as it evolves to keep pace with the needs of society”!
OH. MY. GOD!! A living Constitution advocate! THAT, Sir, is a Disqualifying Statement!


by Mike from Granite Grok



NH gun owners like me will not support you!

Go back to Massachusetts where you came from you liberal "carpetbagging" RINO ! ! ! !

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