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Cowboy Memorial Chapel UPDATE

Long Jim Hancock

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Just received this wonderful report from Cree Vicar Dave and his Bride:


"You can add another $408.00 to that total.

The Vicar's Wife and I just got home from a whirlwind Cowboy Action Shooting tour.


On the last weekend of May we were at the 1st two day annual shoot put on by a new club, the Rockcastle Rangers, located at Park City, KY where they raised $116.00 for the Cowboy Memorial Chapel at the Saturday shooters meeting.


Then the 1st weekend in June we attended the Iowa State Shoot put on by the Fort Des Moines Rangers. It was their 1st time to host the state shoot. They raised $292.00 at their Saturday morning shooters meeting for the Chapel.


The Vicar's Wife led singing and we sang a couple specials. I got a chance ta preach at Cowboy Church at both shoots.


I have been asking the clubs that I attend if they would take up an offering for the Chapel at their shooters meeting. Most say yes. I have them send in the offering in their club's name so it will be credited to the club.



Cree "


That brings the total as of today to: $ 27384.23 !!!! B)


Way to COWBOY UP Y'ALL!!!! :FlagAm:


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