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Cowboy poetry

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This following was in an eMagazine that a friend forwarded to me this week. Thought the pards on the Wire might enjoy it...


Regards, TJH



This month we present cowboy poetry by Russell Petter...


Cowboys Don't Fall,...Very Often


Cowboys don't fall,...,very often,

but when they do,

they always hit the hardest.


From spurring broncs and riding bulls,

to practicing with an old piggin string

until his fingers bleed,


Cowboys don't fall,...,very often,

but when they do,

they always hit the hardest.


Cowboys make a lifetime of memories,

eight seconds at a time,

Cowboys are full of pain,

from traveling down the rodeo highway.

Cowboys stay bruised from a lifetime

of heart aches, from eighteen minute rides,

with women of the past


Cowboys don't fall,...very often,

but when they do,

they always hit the hardest.


The Love that was promised

so many years ago,

was exchanged for a night of lust

after some small town rodeo

with a woman,... that he will never know.


Cowboys don't fall,...very often,

but when they do,

they always hit the hardest.


The pain from the ground

does not compare,

to the pain of his nightmares.


Cowboys don't fall,...very often,

but when they do,

they always hit the hardest.


A cowboy can never predict his next ride,

or the next go round,... much less,... his next win,

A cowboy can never predict the next woman

that will lead him to sin.


Cowboys don't fall,...very often,

but when they do,

they always hit the hardest.


Nothing can ever fix the problem,

there is no solution, there is no tomorrow.

Only a lonesome highway,

that is filled with a dream,

a better bronc, a better bull,

a better calf to rope, or,...

a better woman that leads to a better life.


Cowboys don't fall,...very often,

but when they do,

they always hit the hardest.


Behind the wrinkles of his tanned and stoic face,

is a story that his lips will never tell.

all he can do is shake his head,

and stare off into the distant sunset.


Cowboys dont fall,...very often,

but when they do,

you can feel the earth shake.


Cowboys don't fall,...very often,

but when they do,

they always hit the hardest.


Cowboys don't fall,...very often,

but when they do,

you can feel his heart break.


Cowboys don't fall,..very often,

but when they do,

they always hit the hardest.


Cowboys don't fall,...very often,...no,

Cowboys don't fall,...very often,...

but when they do

they always hit the hardest.


Russell Petter

The KeyWestKowboy@yahoo.com



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