Our house has two bathrooms. My wife has staked out the one nearest our bedroom, mine is in the hallway which is nearer the guest bedroom and living room. So guests use my bathroom.
I keep a magazine selection near the throne, and because I am sensitive to guests's comfort, I maintain a variety of reading material. At the moment the selection is:
the June, 2016 issue of The Blue Press from Dillon Precision
the Dec. 2016/Jan.2017 issue of Field and Stream
the Life Magazine Special Issue on Film Noir
the May, 2015 issue of Real Simple magazine (Life Made Simpler! ...food and stuff)
the January, 2016 issue of Cowboys and Indians magazine (Leonardo DiCaprio on the cover, "The Revenant" on the inside)
the Dec/Jan issue of Backswoodsman
the Dec. 2016 issue of American Rifleman
the October 2016 issue of Cowboy Chronicle Quarterly
the August, 1957 issue of Scientific American
This afternoon I re-read an interesting article on paradoxes in the old Scientific American.
What is in your library?