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  1. Good Morning, Since I returned to SASS a few months ago there has been an ongoing issue that I know has been commented on numerous times here on the Wire. That issue is the Wire itself and issues regarding posting photos and not being able to access the Wire from various sites on various types of computers or personal electronic equipment. It reminds me of when I joined SASS and jumped on the WIre in 1997. When I first decided to come back to SASS I was using my iPhone trying to Google SASS info on line and I just couldn't get to the SASS links from Google. It almost appeared that it was non-existent. The query would go out and NOTHING. I found that if I wanted to access any SASS website, forum or page I had to use other means, like: Safari. On my PC I tried Google, Yahoo, and Bing but could not access SASS through links. I had to enter the address in the Tool Bar and hit GO then I could save the link i favorites to gain access. It was the same when I got a Chromebook. Perhaps many might call me a bit of a Luddite when it comes to computers and such but I know this is a problem and has been a problem for months. What bothers me more is How many people out there might be interested in CAS and SASS but cannot access even basic searches on line? Two people I work with recently asked me about SASS and possibly looking into Cowboy Action Shooting. I told them about the Web SIte and the Forums. They both came back to me later and said something like; "Did that cowboy group you belong to go under or are they having problems? I can't access anything about them on line". Every time I am doing an online search for firearms related queries and I see a link to SASS or the SASS Forums it is not accessible. EVERY TIME. No mater what search engine I use. This isn't 1997, Folks, this is 2017. I understand that SASS has a contractor or service doing the website ad the Wire Forums. I also understand that SASS is strapped for cash due to member numbers being down. MAYBE THIS MIGHT BE ONE REASON WHY? Don't get me wrong, I am not angry or disgruntled but I am concerned. But don't get me started on the silliness one needs to go through to post a picture. Like I said, this is 2017, not 1997. Seriously, SASS needs to fix some things and people not having access that might be interested in SASS does any of us or SASS any good as we all love this sport. This becomes a lifestyle for some. And Pards, everyone here knows how to access these sites so please don't tell me and everyone else how you go about getting into SASS links. I am not concerned how you get here or there. I am concerned that online SASS appears to be DEAD. Don't believe me? Try these links as if you are someone doing a search and you have no idea about anything in regards to SASS or the Wire. There, I have said my piece. Flame away, agree, disagree, whatever. But someone in SASS management needs to look into this. Thank You Kindest Regards, Pat Riot A Google search I did when looking into Plainsman rifles. Click the top link to the Wire.... https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+plainsman+in+SASS&rlz=1CASMAI_enUS724US724&oq=what+is+plainsman+in+SASS&aqs=chrome..69i57.7615j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=what+rifle+for+plainsman+in+SASS GOOGLE: https://www.google.com/search?q=SASS&rlz=1CASMAI_enUS724US724&oq=SASS+&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l3j69i59j0.8058j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=single+action+shooting+society BING: https://www.bing.com/search?q=sass+wire+forum&qs=HS&pq=sass&sc=8-4&cvid=B8E616F194854ED1B10FF3C05C39C081&FORM=QBLH&sp=1 YAHOO: https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylc=X3oDMTFiaHBhMnJmBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEaXRjAzEEc2VjA3NyY2hfcWEEc2xrA3NyY2hhc3Q-?p=sass+wire+forum&fr=yfp-t-s&fp=1&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8
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