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All items posted for sale must include a price. This is NOT an Auction/bidding site, and linking to
offsite auctions is prohibited. “Make me an offer” with no posted base price is prohibited. If you are
looking for a specific item in trade, then the item/items being sought must be listed in the post.
If your item has sold, or a deal is pending, please edit or delete your post to reflect this. For sale threads
older than 60 days without reply or bump will be removed.
All person-to-person sales must comply with all applicable city, county, state and federal rules and
NO Firearm sales of any kind IF the seller holds a current FFL (Why? Because determining the difference
between a personal sale and a business sale is impossible)
We would like to remind all members to please be respectful of those members who are attempting to sell items on this forum. Hi-jacking of for sale threads and comments that are not beneficial to the purpose of the post will be deleted. Thank you all for your understanding.
inappropriate will be deleted, including avatars and profile pictures.
cannot contain sexual or violent content and must not violate any copyright.