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Complicated Lady

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Status Replies posted by Complicated Lady

  1. PT is not working as well as it should.Hurts a lot.Guess it maybe something that is going to be.Hope to see some of you at shoots down the road.

    1. Complicated Lady

      Complicated Lady

      I hope you are hurting less. You have a couple of months of cold weather to rest and get those muscles built back up before shooting again. PLEASE take care of yourself. I want to see you at shoots again. XOXO

  2. Oct.6 shot 6 stages today.had a ball.I did shoot 2 stages gunfighter ,not fast but clean. shoot the other 4 double duelist ,shot shotgun left handed.Had a ball and did ok.Thanks for the prayers.

    1. Complicated Lady

      Complicated Lady

      I'm so glad to know you are able to shoot and having fun. See you at Comin at Cha!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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