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Bottom Dealin Mike, SASS #22273

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Posts posted by Bottom Dealin Mike, SASS #22273

  1. Maybe in next year's calendar. The policy is that I can't repeat a make/model of gun until the third year after it appears. So, assuming this is a success for Bic Graphics, and they opt to keep going with antique firearms calendars in the future, the next calendar will have to feature a whole new batch of guns.

  2. Prairie Dawg,


    This isn't going to be a calendar that you can buy at the bookstore. It is the sort of calendar that your bank or your dentist gives to customers.


    But, since so many people in different venues have been asking me about buying this calendar, when it is available, I'm considering buying 500 of them myself and sell them at roughly cost, plus shipping...if I'm sure people will actually buy them.


    I don't want to be stuck with 300 calendars when everything is said and done...


    So, if you’re interested, you can go to my Facebook writer's page, The Duelist's Den, and "Like" the page.


    If I do a calendar buy, I'll announce it there.




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