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Faygo Kid, SASS # 26408

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Posts posted by Faygo Kid, SASS # 26408

  1. ​Howdy Ya'll Mr. Top...You have been after Eleanor and I come down for several years now....and.......guess what....Eleanor wanted to go to Back at Ya......so it just happens to be on the way to Texas....Let the Furrie One know that Eleanor and Faygo are plannin' on being there. And I'm bringing my Rope........LOL.........See you in Sept..........Take Care........Faygo

  2. Noz.....me too....lol.....


    Warden I had that problem a few years back when I went to EOT. I just had hearing aids at the time and had lost total hearing in my right ear. Some where on the way home, all of a sudden it pop and started working then a few minutes later it was gone again. Went to my ear doc when I got home and found out that I had a hole in my ear drum.....

  3. Widder when they do a implant it destorys the nerve endings. You are deaf it that ear. It's all electric after. They're really remarkable!! If your hearing went away over a period of time(30 years) like mine did you won't believe what you can hear when they first turn it on. But you do have to have less then 40% (I think) hearing to be eligible....Faygo

  4. Max Payne do yourself a BIG favor and look into Cochlear implants. I have had them since 2009 and 2011. Mine are the Cochlear brand.


    Widder if yours is real bad you should look into them also.


    The only bad part is medicare will only pay for one. But since they're not hearing aids they pay 80% if you got to have a new after five years.


    If anyone would like to know more you can PM me......Faygo

  5. If your hearing is really bad...like under 40% with your aids....you should look into Cochlear inplants...I've had one since 09 and the other done in 2011. Best thing I ever did. You'll love hearing the birds again(wife, kids and grandkids) :D :D


    Shoot Straight.......Faygo

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