I have been trying to work with Cimarron and Taylors to replace a broken "hand" in my Cimarron Thunderstorm 357. Both have sent me the same part, Part number: SAA5281, which is not the correct part and significantly larger than the piece that broke. I suspect that it is for a 45lc model as I have found in my online research that the current Thunderstorm models were made for mounted cowboy action shooting. Based on more online searching it looks like my revolver was manufactured around the same time as the 357 models seem to have been discontinued in 2015. (https://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/threads/fyi-updated-italian-proof-house-date-codes-table.133886/) As evident by the Italian date code "CN".
Does anyone have any spare hands laying about for this? Or know a better parts source? Where is a good spot to look for discontinued model parts?
Appreciate the help.