Any clubs letting shooters use one 1911 instead of 2 single actions and otherwise shoot stage same as other shooters. 1911 unloaded and holstered with no mag. Load mag from person at buzzer and shoot 5. Reload and shoot five. Re holster. Shoot other guns according to stage script. This will maybe attract new shooters who already has 1911 and cannot afford 2 pistols, rifle, and shotgun. Hopefully convert them to single actions later. Purpose is to attract new shooters. SASS and or Wild Bunch dress code. Create a class for them for scoring. They will be slower as drawing, loading, and racking takes time. Most SA shooter be finished with 1st gun before 1911 gets off 1st shot. Our club members are aging. Many have body part replacement, migrated to other type shooting, or just quit competing. Just looking for ways to attract new shooters. See any problems with this.