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Montie Montana

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Posts posted by Montie Montana

  1. Yes..I have one and love it.  It works quite well on all the loads I have tried... .38, .45 LC and .45ACP.  Sometimes you have to run it a couple of times to get the bullets to come out depending on how tight the crimp is.  Be sure it is well mounted.  Sure beats hammering away with hammer puller.  I have no problem collecting the bad rounds until I have a bunch and then go to the puller and separate them.


    2 complaints: 1. It is loud when it drops and for some, that can be annoying; 2. There is a small screw/nut that holds the knob in place when you put it into the press...it will work its way loose and you can lose the screw or nut because it is so small.  Keep an eye on it as you use it to ensure it doesn't vanish...I replaced the nut from the factory with a lock nut and helped.

    • Thanks 3
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