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Alien Amber Ale

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Pards staying in Moriarty might want to stop by the Sierra Blanca Brewery located there and try some Alien Amber Ale. :D Here's a video clip.

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Hey, I know Amber Ale. I didn't think she was brewed in Moriarty, though.:D Pretty good beer.



They just had their grand opening this year,we went,free food & beer,yay!


They used to be in Carrizozo,but moved to Moriarty to be closer to a major freeway (I-40) to reduce shipping costs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Y'all,


I saw this topic and had to reply. I recently tasted (just a quick sip... ) Rio Grande Brewery's I.P.A., and saw on the label that it was brewed in Moriarty, NM! Well, the change in location, and the change in label design have really helped them out. It was really good, and I would recommend this beer to those who love a true hoppy I.P.A. My alias is Amber Ale, because I.P.A. wasn't as cool.


See ya at EOT!

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