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Anti-EoT letter

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Here's the link to the letter (2nd one down):


Shooting Range

    Blasts Solitude

    I LIVE ON Barton Road in Edgewood, in Santa Fe County, approximately a mile north of Founders Ranch. I don't know what, if anything, can be done about the (Single Action Shooting Society) shooting range, which is located at approximately Barton Road and Juan Tomas. I just feel it imperative that I let someone, everyone, know how disruptive the range is to the lifestyle so many of us have grown to love and are now being deprived of.

    I have lived in the same location for 22 years, long before the shooting range opened, back when there were only buffalo and longhorn steer on the Ranch. Living in Edgewood is a choice I made many years ago, for the solitude, the tranquility it provides, the safety, the wildlife.

    The activities this past weekend at the shooting range were disruptive in a way I can't even begin to define. If I stepped outside my house, I was exposed to what sounded like cannon, machine gun and nonstop shooting from daylight to dark. Are there no limits imposed on this shooting range? Surely a cannon is beyond the noise ordinance?! And don't those people eat?! Seriously, there was not a break in the shooting.

    I felt as if I were living in a war zone. By mid-afternoon, I was near tears and beginning to understand what people in war-torn countries endure and why they do some of the things they do. I will hereafter be much more sympathetic to some of the atrocities I hear about on the evening news. Sunday, I stayed in my house, windows closed, music turned up so I didn't have to hear the gunfire. I could not bear any more! I do not live where I live to spend my weekends trapped in my house!

    It was such a horrible experience that I have consulted a Realtor and, much as I hate the idea, am seriously considering moving to town. It can't be any worse than the sound of constant gunfire! How long until my beloved wildlife evacuate the area as well? I watched a coyote cross my pasture, not running freely as they usually are, but slinking close to the ground, clearly frightened and confused.

    Is there anything that can be done about this situation? Is there no limit to the disruption these people may cause? Why must they destroy the solitude of so many for the pleasure of so few? Isn't there somewhere away from the residential areas where they can play their war games? Possibly they could replace some of our soldiers in Iraq who don't find gunplay quite so amusing. I would be happy to transport them to the airport!




And here's my response,again,2nd letter down:


Shooting Range Is

    Music to Some Ears

    RE: "SHOOTING Range Blasts Solitude" (Letters, Telegraph, June 29):

    I live 1.5 miles north of the Founders Ranch off of Barton and I never heard a sound all weekend. In fact, it wasn't until I drove down there, parked and got out of my car that I could faintly hear the sounds of shooting.

    Let's look at some facts: There are several hills between the ranch and the beginning of the unpaved part of Barton. Hills are very good at deflecting and absorbing sound, even gunfire. For anyone to have heard the firing meant that they would have to get to at least the northwestern corner of the ranch and even then it would be barely audible.

    As far as the "non-stop shooting from daylight to dark," the competitions stop at 5 p.m. and the sun sets at approximately 8:30 p.m.

    As far as the "poor coyote," they know what gunfire is, they're shot at regularly, as they're known predators of domestic animals and are classed as varmints in New Mexico, and hence, fair game.

    Let me address this comment: "Why must they destroy the solitude of so many for the pleasure of so few?"

    The total figures aren't in, but End of Trail attracts approximately 10,000 people, competitors, members and the public. The economic impact is substantial for Torrance County and Edgewood and will continue to be as SASS expands their facilities on the ranch. Single Action Shooting is one of the fastest growing sports in the nation, with approximately 25,000 members and more every day.

    Without bothering to address Brenda Maynard's many other ill-informed comments, I'll distill it down to this: She is obviously virulently anti-gun, and I don't believe for one second that she could hear the gunfire, or if she did it was just a faint echo, easily overcome by the sound of the average swamp cooler.

    The members of SASS are exercising their rights, rights that were fought for and won by people with guns. The sound of guns is the sound of freedom.





Yes,I know now that I got the membership figures way too low :blink: ,but I got the point across.I found out that the same woman wrote a similar letter last year,my question to her would be "Why didn't you move last year?"


Some people's kids.....

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Dear Hank,


As a resident of California, I hear many misguided, illinformed comments from the anti-gun group.  Think about serializing ammunition.  :blink:


Thank you for taking the time to share this information and write a rebuttal.




Allie Mo




You're welcome & I keep up on what's happenin' out there,no offense to you Californians,but you couldn't pay me enough to live there.

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Maybe you should advise her Realtor to advertise her place in the Chronicle :blink:

I'll bet there are more than a few folks that would LOVE to be neighbors of the Ranch.




I can do better than that... I'm a Realtor (tho I sure don't want her for a client!),I can let everybody know if it comes on the market! :blink:

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Guest Flint Westwood SASS #94



Do you think it worthwile to inform Ms Maynard that not only are many of us SASS members (both male and female) veterans but combat veterans.


I don't know the exact numbers but I do know that we have WWII vets, Korean vets, Vietnam vets and both Desert Storm & Iraqi Freedom vets and have members serving in Iraq this very day.


Naaah I doubt that it really matters to her, but at least we know that SASS isn't a group of whackos with guns like she and her ilk think........


Keep up the fight,


Flint Westwood (Southeast Asian Conflict 70-71)

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I can do better than that... I'm a Realtor (tho I sure don't want her for a client!),I can let everybody know if it comes on the market!  :blink:



Hank..also, thanks for taking the time to keep us informed. A good comprise for B Maynard maybe to RENT her house out to SASS members for the period of time of EOT. :blink: I'm sure she could travel to a peaceful place and get paid for it at the same time!! :D

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Guest sawyer#34250

"playing their war games"? This lady sounds like a real nut case. Why did she lock herself in the house and turn up the music if she couldn't stand noise? Do you think she knows or cares if EOT generated any income for her community? That is ridiculous, not a single person at EOT spent any money in the local economy :D:blink:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Send her some ear plugs, or give me her address I'll be glad to send them

to her placed in a nice Halmark Card....they must have a category for

Anti-Gun Aunties? something like this???


Dear Ms Maynard who lives right by the range

how loud are the gun shots you think are so strange?

The bang and clang and the rat-a-tat-tat

There are 10,000 cowboy & cowgirls who like it like that.


They wish you no harm as they shoot their sixgun

5 Rounds at steel targets such joy and such fun

Please try these earplugs so to diminish the sound

that you find so offensive to just be around.


When you get right down to it, it is all about lead

and the smoke and the fire that the muzzle blasts said

But remember the End of Trail and all the people that shoot

Want to be a good neighbor than give you the boot!



Really...I think we got to smooze these people somewhat...these folks are

dare I say "Cannon Fodder" for the real big time Gun Grabbers to use as

another excuse to shutdown gun clubs from noise complaints.


AJ McDraw

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Cry me a river.


The only time that there was enough noise to be disruptive in the lower parking lot during EoT was when the cannon went off (maybe 5 times per day?) and we would chuckle about how many car alarms were set off.


You could hardly hear the gunfire from the competitors, and this was 50-100 yards from the firing lines.


If you have an axe to grind you don't care about facts.

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Do you think it worthwile to inform Ms Maynard that not only are many of us SASS members (both male and female) veterans but combat veterans. 


I don't know the exact numbers but I do know that we have WWII vets, Korean vets, Vietnam vets and both Desert Storm & Iraqi Freedom vets and have members serving in Iraq this very day.


Naaah I doubt that it really matters to her, but at least we know that SASS isn't a group of whackos with guns like she and her ilk think........


Keep up the fight,


Flint Westwood (Southeast Asian Conflict 70-71)



Excellent point Flint & I wish I'd thought of it.Let me tip my hat to you for your service to our country & say that if I'm around,you'll never have to pay for your beer.

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"playing their war games"?  This lady sounds like  a real nut case.  Why did she lock herself in the house and turn up the music if she couldn't stand noise?  Do you think she knows or cares if EOT generated any income for her community?  That is ridiculous, not a single person at EOT spent any money in the local economy :huh:  :huh:



No,she doesn't care,she's anti-gun & that's all that matters to her.

Like I mentioned in my letter,the economic impact is substantial.My wife,a pharmacist at Smiths,told me about all the SASS people she served & I saw a buncha folks in there.

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'Minds me a the little ol' lady who called the police t'lodge a indecent exposure complaint aginst her neighbers fer gettin' nekkid an' doin' what comes natcheral right out in the open in they own back yard. A officer showed up an' knocked on the ol' lady's door. "Ma'am," he says, "I come to investigate yer complaint an' hafta tellya I can't figger out how you was to see over the eight-foot fence they got since it's clean accrost this here parkway, gotta be near a hunnert yards. I even stood on top a my patrol car in yer driveway an' couldn't even see the top a the fence on the far side a they property!"


She give him a look a disgust that woulda curdled fresh milk an' sneered, "Acourse not, yew idjit! Yew gotta climb up on the roof an' use my twenny power binoculars!"


The anti-EOT "lady" sounds like the same sort.



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On the other hand, why not invite her to visit Founders Ranch, escorted by a couple of female shooters who a very familiar with our sport and have good people skills so she can meet the folks and see for herself what goes on. Who knows, we might even make a convert. I would humbly suggest that it is worth a try and there is really nothing to lose. If this has already been done then I congratulate folks for trying.

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"Possibly they could replace some of our soldiers in Iraq who don't find gunplay quite so amusing." Ms. Maynard


Yes, she's right, no one here finds it amusing at all. We find it deadly serious...and when it comes from our side, it means there will be fewer rabid dog extremists to come to the U.S. and disrupt Ms. Maynard's peaceful little existence.


We all sleep quietly and peacefully in our beds at night because rough men stand ready to do harm to those who would disrupt our way of life. (A paraphrase, pards, but you get the point!)


Sorry for my preachin' ! Just my $0.02 worth!



(writing from lovely & peaceful Mosul, Iraq)

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Hank, I'm one of you guys! I'm an "old" retired Special Operations guy who is operating in a direct combat support role over here with our GREAT folks on the ground. I am privileged to help these young men and women as they go about bringing the war to our enemy.


I'll help you buy the rounds, pard!


Your Pard in Northern Iraq,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hank, the idea of renting the house out was not all that bad. I know of homeowners in certian areas that rent out their houses for enough maoney to make itt worth while when big events happen in their areas. That would be a great thing to do is get several of the homeowners to rent out their homes for the week of EOT every year.


My Aunt lives in the area of NC where they have furniture show everyyerar for the big outfits to send their buyers to so she rents it out to the buyers and makes enough to cover her morgage and expenses plus some.


As a realitor it would not be bad for you to check with several of the local owners to see if they want to sub let their homes for a week to shooter at EOT. if you could have a list and let the shooters know I bet after it became known you would have some extra business once a year.

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Guest Hell-Bent Wade 18285

All the above is good and maybe she can be converted but she sounds like an anti-gunner. Now these anti-gunners always team up with animal rights people and environmentalists whenever they have a common cause. If there is no Common-Cause they don't care.


If this lady really has some energy to burn why doesn't she do something to change the legal system to help the person who wrote the FIRST article in that link:


If she put her energy into making life better for everyone you would see fewer letters like this one. No wonder she took second place on the editorial page.




Horses Need

Medical Support

OVER TWO YEARS ago, four severely neglected and abused horses were removed from their owner in San Miguel County. The animals were then placed into protective custody at WalkinCircles Equine Rescue Ranch in Edgewood until criminal neglect charges against the owner were heard.

The horses are known as the "L" babies (Luke, Lily, Lollipop and Lizzie). As an example of the horrible conditions these poor horses were forced to endure, Lizzie's leg was severely broken at one point and did not receive medical attention, so that it is now a misshapen form of what was once a leg and is quite unusable to her.

Because the Rescue has no legal ownership of the horses, they cannot provide the definitive veterinary care that Lizzie needs. The Rescue and its many dedicated volunteers have been caring for the horses and patiently waiting for this criminal case to go to court. Now, two years later, the trial has once again been postponed, this time because the defense attorney suddenly, less than 24 hours before the trial, remembered a conflicting appointment.

The judicial system in San Miguel County, with respect to this case, is a disgrace and is wasting taxpayer dollars. Calls from the Rescue to the New Mexico Attorney General have gone unanswered. But the greatest tragedy is that these horses are living in limbo, unable to be adopted, and those who have come to love and care for these wonderful animals are unable to provide them with the proper medical attention that they need.

I implore Attorney General Patricia Madrid to look into the abuse of the judicial system in San Miguel County and to help get these poor horses out of limbo.


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  • 4 months later...

I think the original poster made a great point the public and locals can relate to.

I've never been there, but I'm guessing this is the big tourist draw for this area every year, right?

Tell them how much money it brings in. Leave the "second amendment" argument at home. Nobody will be swayed by that argument either way, I think we all know that!


This almost reminds of the locals around the firing areas at Ft Lewis every year, once we started into "red cycle" for training and pulled out the arty and let fly downrange. Every srping, the folks who'd moved in during the fall who had no idea they'd be hearing "thump thump thump" at all hours started griping to all those who would listen. Thankfully, as anti0establishment as it is in this area, the media knows a good (and deep pocketed) neighbor like the Army when they see one!

I recall reading somewhere that the locals used to complain about the noise at an Air Force base in the midwest all the time. Then, when the BAC decided to shut it down, the same folks screamed the loudest for what it'd do the local community, and the town dried right up after the last USAF trucks left town!

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I live about seven miles from FR (four as the lead flies), never hear a thing. I live 2 miles from the Big Horn Gun Club (where our group shoots) and if the wind is right and it's otherwise quiet, I can *just* hear the occasional "pop". The horses hear it first, and when they prick their ears to the West, I listen too. sounds a lot like...freedom!


The point about "pleasure for so few at the expense of so many" is interesting. Moriarty and Edgewood combined are about 4,000 people, I think. Three times that many come to EOT.


Tell me again who the few and the many are...?

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Mustang,you're correct about it bein' the largest event in the area,all the local businesses support it,the Mrs is a pharmacist at Smiths & she tells me it's definitely busier durin' EoT.


Flatsnake,as soon as they start fillin' up Woodland Hills you can bet there'll be complaints & calls to shut down the range.

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Ya know, I was in the naval aviatin' business for a lot of years, and the Navy built it's Air Stations 'way away from people, so as to be neighborly and spare them the noise...


Derned if those folks didn't go ahead and build their houses out to where the bases were, AND THEN complained about the noise!


Hey, y'all! Wudja expect?!


Don't like snakes? Stay out the forrest! :FlagAm:


Mustang,you're correct about it bein' the largest event in the area,all the local businesses support it,the Mrs is a pharmacist at Smiths & she tells me it's definitely busier durin' EoT.


Flatsnake,as soon as they start fillin' up Woodland Hills you can bet there'll be complaints & calls to shut down the range.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Do you think it worthwile to inform Ms Maynard that not only are many of us SASS members (both male and female) veterans but combat veterans. 


I don't know the exact numbers but I do know that we have WWII vets, Korean vets, Vietnam vets and both Desert Storm & Iraqi Freedom vets and have members serving in Iraq this very day.


Naaah I doubt that it really matters to her, but at least we know that SASS isn't a group of whackos with guns like she and her ilk think........


Keep up the fight,


Flint Westwood (Southeast Asian Conflict 70-71)




Good grief, Flint! Better not tell her that! Don't you remember how we were treated when we came home? Have you heard how disabled vets are getting hate mail in their hospital beds from the anti-war left? Have you heard about the 82nd Airborne wounded vet who was mobbed and had to be protected by the police at one of the anti-war rallies? The anti-war left hates warriors, whether current or vets because we stand for everything they abhor, patriotism, courage, devotion to duty, all of those terrible things they're trying to eliminate from our youths.


I spent years arguing with the anti-war left and never got one cogent argument from the other side, just emotional claptrap, lies, and distortions. Eventually I decided it was like trying to argue with an Islamic terrorist bent on destroying our way of life and installing Sharia law.


When she puts her place on the market we need to get a SASS member to buy it. Eventually, if we surround the place with SASS members (who might like to retire a few miles from EOT), then at least the left-wing lunatics will have a buffer between them and Founders Ranch.

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Capt. George,I highly doubt she's gonna put her place on the market,from what I understand that was the 2nd year in a row she's written essentially the same letter.You'll notice that in my response to her I called her a liar,her complaint ain't about the noise,it's about us folks who enjoy our 2nd Amendment freedoms.


I ain't gone to the trouble of findin' out exactly where she lives (she ain't in the local phone book) but it wouldn't take me more'n 1 phone call & a coupla hours to have 'em get me that info.


In the off chance that she would wanna sell,I sure as heck wouldn't want her for a client,but could sure know about it & let SASS members know it's on the market.


But I'll say this,I betcha she got's a dilapidated old single-wide mobile home,'cause that's all that was out here 22-23 years ago,not worth a plugged nickel.The lot's at least 2.5 acres,since that's the minimum size in this area,so that's somethin'.


If she has looked into sellin' she probably got turned down by my fellow Realtors 'cause she wanted too much money for her piece 'o junk.

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