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I have my movies listed in alphabetical order. Mostly. Some, however, are listed by the actor or maybe by the series. Example - I have all my Disney movies in the Ds. All my James Bond movies are in the numbers (because 007). The Three stooges movies are all together in the numbers. I have several Bob Hope movies in the Bs, several Doris Day movies in the Ds.


But there is a recent thread where the Spanish Inquisition comes up. And that reminded me of the Mel Brooks movie HISTORY OF THE WORLD PART 1. Which is in the Hs. And since I have a half a dozen or so Mel Brooks movies, I'm thinking of combining them all under M.


I currently have all my Westerns segregated, but I'm seriously considering putting them back into general population. I have all my John Waynes separated, and again I'm thinking of putting them back with the rest.




Are you sure the Gen Pop is ready to deal with JW and cohorts? Some of those Doris Day movies might not be tough enough to deal with it. Just asking. 😁




Group  "A" (The largest group)







  • Haha 1

I have well over a thousand. I know that because I counted them a couple of years ago and I had more than a thousand then, and I have bought more since.


I store them in three ring binders. The pages they are on have pockets - four to a side, so eight discs to a page.




They are currently just stacked on a couple of tables because I'm rearranging the shelf that they normally sit on. That's not all of them - there's at least three more large binders, plus the little binders that I have the westerns in and the little binder I have the John Wayne in.


I know it's just a cell phone camera, but you would think stuff would be in focus at 10 feet. Especially one of the selling points for the phone is the camera is umpteen gazillion megapixels.


Don't rightly know.

My wife organizes the movies.

She's a highly organized individual.

She alphabetizes her spices.

Me ... I'm an unmitigated slob, or was before I became a nurse and married her.

Both those actions required my abandonment of slovenliness.

I still leave such things as organization to my wife ... the secret to successful administration is delegation ... I delegate organization to her!

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Posted (edited)

Band of Brothers boxed set on the left, Firefly boxed set on the right.


That's it.  


If I had enough to worry about organizing I would likely sort by type, and alpha sort by title within type. 

Edited by Subdeacon Joe
  • Thanks 1

DVD, Blu-Ray and 4k are separated.
Then filed in alphabetical order, unless a series like James Bond, then filed by series name.


For Christmas two years ago my wife decided I needed a little organization for my movies and to upgrade the seating accommodations in my life (read she wanted new furniture) so she got “me” a pair of Amish made cabinets. They hold about 300 singles or you can go two deep (which hides the back one:blink:) for 600 each. Excellent build quality and they look nice. 
oh by the way, there are currently about 580 in there and they are alphabetical order. 

:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid

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Posted (edited)

Mine are all in boxes in the basement. 
I think there are 4 boxes, maybe 5.

A new box appears every time we move. Someday I will sort them again. I will sort by genre.

Cops & Robbers





Everything else


I have no idea how many movies we have


EDIT: In our last move I gave all the VHS tapes to Goodwill. There were enough to fill 3 huge Rubbermaid crates. 

Edited by Pat Riot
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Posted (edited)

I just gave all my dvds away. Never watched them after 2-3 times. I had almost all westerns with just a few others mixed in. Never bothered to buy any in the last 5 years or more.

Edited by Rye Miles #13621
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Videotape, then DVDs by category: Fantasy/Science fiction, westerns, comedy, action/adventure, thrillers, and drama.

My only problem had been where do the few musicals I like go?? Then it hit me:Fantasy!! What else can you call a musical?

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I learned my lesson from trying to keep record albums (remember those) in alphabetical order. Worked for about a month or two but eventually they always got mixed up anyway. I figure DVD's are the same, so I don't even bother and I only have 40 or so DVD's...I had well past 200 albums. Actually still do, in two REAL HEAVY boxes.

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I only have about a dozen DVDs....and a Library Card which gives me access to over a thousand libraries across the country...public, school and college, a few private parties, etc.... and a total of a about hundred thousand titles, maybe more.


The card comes with a staff of people to help me navigate the whole shebang.


I'm waiting for the whole collection of Charlie Chan movies, a bunch of old westerns, a few comedies (The Great Race, Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines, Convoy, etc.)  Some I watch from stem to stern, some I watch for a few minutes and take them back.


I have The Incredibles and Monsters Inc. in the queue right now.  Just sent The Tic back and the last version of that idiot French inspector. 


Years ago I moved from CA to Cape Cod.

All my many years of photo negatives were in boxes in the basement.
Mold destroyed every last one of them.
Gone forever.

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