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WTC: KD down by pistol fire

Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

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just came to me ask this--haven't seen it


pistol first:  one stray shot hits and knocks down Shotgun target = 1 pistol miss


so now there are only 3 standing KDs

shooter knocks the, down and shoots a 4th round where it was at the downed KD


any penalty for shotgun shooting?




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Shotgun clean.  For whatever reason that a shotgun is down before the shotgun string is begun, the standard response is to "shoot where it was."  A pistol error (miss) does not make for any sort of shotgun error - they are separate strings.


good luck, GJ

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1 hour ago, Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L said:

any penalty for shotgun shooting?

I can honestly say I wouldn't know what penalty could have possibly have been earned.


What penalty were you thinking might apply?



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1 hour ago, Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L said:

just came to me ask this--haven't seen it


pistol first:  one stray shot hits and knocks down Shotgun target = 1 pistol miss


so now there are only 3 standing KDs

shooter knocks the, down and shoots a 4th round where it was at the downed KD


any penalty for shotgun shooting?





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"any penalty for shotgun shooting?"


- In the event a target fails or is downed, the shooter should “shoot where it was.”

   For safety reasons a target on the ground should never be engaged.


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