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Mild Bill #2326

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Go to the “SEARCH” feature and type in “Kevin Costner’s Horizon”


That should bring up the archived thread.


That thread began on July 4th and was opened by Nimble Fingers 

Edited by Blackwater 53393
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I have not seen the movie but I did stay in the room Kevin Costner used during the filming of the movie. The cast stayed at the Strater Hotel in Durango. Costner was in Room 233 according to hotel staff. 

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2 hours ago, Mild Bill #2326 said:

I may have missed reviews, but for those who have seen Costner’s “Horizon”, I’d like to read some opinions. Thank you.

Some here seemed to really like it….
But they haven’t released #2 in the theaters and production on 3&4 has been stopped so I would say overall it was a dud.  It was to long, to many story lines that didn’t go anywhere, most of the casting and acting was not great. Scenery was the only highlight for me. 
Most of the chatter from the folks leaving the theater when we saw it was they would not be coming back for #2. 

Go see it, maybe you’ll be one those that really like it?  



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The movie IS long. There are several subplots with intricate individual storylines. Some were already beginning to intertwine.


Casting was excellent as was costuming and the scenery was spectacular in places.


It is NOT a movie for folks with a short attention span.  You have to pay attention to the characters and the subtleties of their interactions.


I really enjoyed it.  In structure, it was a lot like Lord of the Rings, moving between the subplots randomly to keep all the pieces and parts in time with each other.

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I re-watched it twice to see if it grew on me,

I can't quite put my finger on why I don't care for it other than I just don't.

I guess enough folks felt the same and that's why it lost money at the box office and part 2 is going straight to streaming.

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I want to see the entire series on the big screen!!


I watched the first episode again on a big screen TV, (85 inches with surround sound) and it doesn’t come CLOSE to the theater experience!!

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