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Going to shoot my first match tomorrow and all I can think of is...

Dapper Dave

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Don't screw up, don't screw up, don't screw up...I don't care about winning or placing high, I just wanna not screw up! :D Actually, I am sure I am going to have a great time, and my wife is coming as well. 

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36 minutes ago, Dapper Dave said:

Don't screw up, don't screw up, don't screw up...I don't care about winning or placing high, I just wanna not screw up! :D Actually, I am sure I am going to have a great time, and my wife is coming as well. 

Anytime I’m a Posse Marshal at a match I always tell my posse I have 2 rules and if you follow them you’ll be fine! rule 1. Be Safe!, rule 2. Have Fun!!!🤠



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Relax.  We don't apply our penalties in full force on new shooters while they are learning - except the most severe safety violations.  Have an experienced, patient shooter coach you through the process from loading table to unloading table.  Tell the Timer Operator you are a new shooter and welcome coaching.  You may be shooting with shooters who are wearing championship buckles.  They didn't get fast their first year and neither will you.  Breath while you are shooting and keep your eyes open.  Try to shoot last and watch how shooters move and shoot.  In particular, see how they screw up and get procedural penalties.  Be mindful of these and avoid them yourself.


Have your wife talk to the ladies about their costumes.  

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There are two major rules in SASS!  These were quoted to me by different members of the Wild Bunch, (the guys who brought us the game) when I met them or contacted them for information.


Rule #1 is “Be SAFE!”


Rule #2 is “Have Fun!”


If you remember those and just follow the instructions of your TO and the loading table officer, (if one is present) and the unloading table officer you’ll be fine. 

There will be plenty of people there to help you along.  Tell the match director that you’re a new shooter.  Most of the time, the MD will assign an experienced shooter to help you.


Welcome to the game!!



Edited by Blackwater 53393
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Dont spend time worrying about what you might do, concentrate on what you are actually doing and things will go well. Be safe, have fun.



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Learn to count to 10. Count your shots. Don't want to stop too soon or keep shooting after you're done. Don't forget to open your lever when putting rifle down. Shotgun open.  Don't mind a two minute stage to start with. Next time a 100 second stage will be more satisfying.  If you shoot a 20 second stage to start with, you may never improve. 

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10 hours ago, Edward R S Canby, SASS#59971 said:

Have your wife talk to the ladies about their costumes.  


It would not end well if you suggested this to my wife.


Just sayin'

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Don't put pressure on yeowndangself.   RELAX.


Just think of it as a good plinking session/practice with some close friends.   That will help keep you from getting

nervous or overly anxious.




And..... dont forget your safety glasses and ears for you and the Bunkhouse Boss.




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16 hours ago, Edward R S Canby, SASS#59971 said:

Try to shoot last and watch how shooters move and shoot..


I would recommend shooting in the middle or so! Gives you a chance to observe others while not feeling rushed to keep up with the Posse at the end of the stage. 

Have a great time!!! 

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Screw up? I've been shooting for 15 years and I screwed up at the match today. I tell all newbie's to just concentrate on hitting the targets and learning the shooting order for guns and steel. Speed will come later. Have fun!

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14 minutes ago, Griff said:

Oh?  You're nervous now?  Just wait till the buzzer goes off!  

And then try to count to 5 !

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Awesome!  Congrats on your 1st official match.  So what did your wife think?

I believe there's a match tomorrow at Cowtown.  Maybe I'll see you both there?


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The very first stage I was a wee bit nervous, since the last time I competed against a timer was probably 25 years ago, IDPA. I think. I even missed one round from the pistol - 10 YARDS...😁 Egads.

But seriously, it was a great time, and I took third place on the Cowboy division. I think there were three people...honestly, it doesn't matter, I have a pin to put on my hat. I met some neat people, and had a great time, and my wife tolerated the whole thing. 

fat guy at SASS.jpg

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2 minutes ago, Renegade Roper said:

Awesome!  Congrats on your 1st official match.  So what did your wife think?

I believe there's a match tomorrow at Cowtown.  Maybe I'll see you both there?


I wish - back to the salt mines tomorrow. Besides, I need to get guns - I am borrowing Rio Salado Cowboys guns for the matches, as I only have one suitable wheelgun and a rifle a darn good buddy lent me for as long as I need it. I have leather, but not EXACTLY match style, since I have used Mernickle rigs twice now. There IS a difference - my leather is meant to ride trail with, match leather are gun buckets not meant for much jouncing, as that pistol is going to come out FAST. 
HUGE Kudos to Colt Laredo and the rest of the Rio gang for a fantastic first time for a fat old newbie. 

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My wife was OK with it, but mostly because she sat and listened to audio books. She knows this is important to me so she is supportive, and even showed me a dress she might consider wearing sometime. I don't think she will ever shoot - she only handled guns because the Dept required it, and really isn't a recreational shooter...though I AM working on that!

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2 hours ago, Rip Snorter said:

When I was active, where I placed only mattered in respect to my previous performance -  better every time.  Measuring me against me - worked all these decades.

That's the way I am going to play it as well - I want to be better than I was last time while still having fun. 

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my advice is let your wife find her way - dont push , i trued that and it backfired on me , she may still come and support me but she wont jump in and ;join up , im all alone in this - cant get the wife or the grandkids involved and although my son says he will he doesnt make time yet , 

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My son has less than zero interest. If it ain't an AR or a muzzle loading rifle, he doesn't care. 



Edited for clarity. Yes, he's odd.

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Don't think, just do your best and have fun with it! If things do not go as you wish, listen to any advice/comments offered. There will be experienced shooters there to help you. Most of all, do not agonize over mistakes because we all mess up! That is how we learn and become better shooters.


Please share this with your wife. I only started shooting CAS after I retired and had never shot before.  My husband and son are my shooting support team at home.  At matches and practices they take a back seat and allow me to figure things out for myself. When I say this, I mean I actually go to shoots even when they cannot because I never shoot alone. At the clubs I shoot at, the experienced shooters are very supportive and I learn from them. So, please come out and shoot with us. And check out the Ladies of Cowboy Action Shooting facebook page. You will not be the only woman out there!  https://www.facebook.com/groups/ladiesofcowboyactionshooting

Edited by Ashley D Austin
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