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Happy Hallowe'en~!! Whatcha gonna be?

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13 hours ago, bgavin said:

We went as a senior couple who stayed home and passed out (and sampled) candy while binge watching LOST.


My bride posted a blurb on Facebook that there was a house on Banksia Court passing out full size candy bars.
My #2 daughter does this every year.. decorates the house and yard, then presents a display platter of full size bars for the picking.

She did over 200 kids last night.
We had a high of 160, now down to 35.


I always gave out full size bars. My neighbor collected unwanted surplus candy and sent it to the troops?

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Several years ago my son-in-law kind of did a hay ride. He had a trailer attached to his ATV and the trailer had bales of hay running down both sides of it. The center between the bales was about 2 foot wide. So you could walk down it.


And he had four or five families - parents and kids - on this trailer. And he drove us over this one neighborhood and we all trick or treated and then he drove us to another neighborhood and we trick or treated again.


Didn't trick or treat in his neighborhood - nobody gave out good candy there.


And one neighborhood they're in, they have two kids at the foot of the road with bushel baskets full of full size candy bars. And one adult with one of them little plastic hospital bucket tray things full of miniatures of bourbon. And all the kids got candy, and all the adults got booze. And as we have finished up with that neighborhood and are about to leave, we make a side trip down this street again and pull up in front, and one of the supervising adults says, pointing at the ATV, "we remember you".


Son-in-law says, "I remember you also. That's why we came back down this street."


And all the kids got another candy bar and all the adults got another bottle of booze.


I know some people go crazy with holidays, but just taking a random guess looking at the amounts of full size candy bars and the amounts of miniatures of good booze - Wood something Reserve (Woodridge?) and Jack Daniels - those people had to have spent over $1,000 on stuff they gave away to passing strangers.

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