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Prayers please

Dirty Dan Dawkins

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I’m not the toughest of guys. And I grumble and complain too much sometimes. And have a general history  of not recognizing injury or physical limitations.

Theres that time I fell off the ladder and dealt with pain until I couldn’t 1 1/2 year later to be told of the disc damage and that I should of came in a year earlier.


Or that time I got a hernia. Oh, I went in quick on that, but had too much to do, so kept working for 4-5 months til it was so bad I needed open surgery, requiring 2 months off. I was back at work two weeks later setting poles and jack  hammering pole bases. I swear I tore the internal stitching. I have never quite felt right and get needle like nerve pain in the groin.


So this time around, it’s my knees I thought I hurt. Was doing one of those high impact exercise programs to prep for a backpack elk hunt. Was moving along good for weeks til one day I do this crazy routine. After that, knees hurt. Calves stayed tight like they’d never would release. And I lost my flexibility. And it was just downhill from there. Did some rest recovery some therapy. But knees keep hurting from that day.  Fast forward to a month ago in Colorado, elk hunting, knees just really killing me. One day I wake up and left leg swollen from the knee to the ankle. No discolor, but kinda like diabetic poor circulation swelling. Take the day off, and back to hunting. And a cycle of this goes off and on, til finally I’ve had enough after 12-13 days of chasing elk around and I head home. I get home and the leg is crazy swollen.


Goes down and over the next 10 days it sways from bad to worse to better to ok to intolerable and I call my ortho. Then I hang four deer stands one weekend and can barely walk afterwards . Screw the ortho appointment. I head to primary asap. Leg is all swolen up, but a knob has formed. First impression- big honking lipoma, but it hurts like a bomb went off each time it’s touched. So, quick thing to do is ultrasound.


Gal looks at it and said, oh it looked like a lipoma to her. As soon as she ultrasounds it- “ I don’t know what this is, never seen anything like this in 20+ years. Need to get doctor in here.” He gets in there , she explains and he says oh my, I’ve never seen anything like that. You’ve tore your calf muscle (tears aren’t new to him, he never seen a tear this dramatic and a jackass walk in on it)


And my leg swole slap full of fluid. That was all of the pain.

A very deep, 5-6” vertical rip up the interior side of my calf muscle. It is like someone took a meat cleaver to it and ripped into my leg to substitute for a pulled pork sandwich.

6 months or so to fully heal and recover. Or longer. Meanwhile I’ve got to figure out how to keep my business going. I’m a solopreneur mostly and everything I do is physical.


Im supposed to get it looked at again this week and drained.

For some reason, I don’t seem to feel and recognize pain like other folks do. I am not tough. Not in the least bit. You oughtta see me with Covid or the flu.


Prayers please….




Edited by Dirty Dan Dawkins
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Prayers up pard.  Its not easy when you are the primary in your own business and have little to no backup help.  I was out 6 months, first 3 was recovery then overdid it and hemmoraged causing additional 3 mos out,  I had to shut down and business never recovered.  

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Gotcha covered, pard!  May you have a quick and complete recovery!    SB

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Well, went for drainage yesterday. They suspect a Baker’s cyst ruptured and forcefully ejected its contents into that muscle hydraulically tearing it. Again, don’t know. Just speculating. Yes, I had an inflamed spot on the back of both knees and wondered if it was a Baker’s cyst. 
And again,  they’d never seen or heard of anything like this before. I don’t recall an all at once event. I can buy into this theory on the cyst rupture but believe it was incremental. A tear like this all at once would had to have been unbelievably painful. They didn’t even drain it. The Prednisone reduced the fluid and inflammation probably 80% in the last week.

Well, he said how I rest, recover and heal over the next 6 weeks will likely prove influential in how I feel 10 years from now.

Edited by Dirty Dan Dawkins
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  • 1 month later...


nothing at all like what they said.

MRI give the real picture 

Meniscus tears in both knees.

Cartilage damage and ruptured bursa left knee.

When they drained my left leg, it was 11cc of old blood. Calf pain went away as it was pressing a nerve and causing some of the worst pain I’ve ever had. That blood was what we had all seen in the ultrasound. Not certain what tire and what we saw fluttering around.

Still working. Painfully.

Seeing an ortho on Dec 18.

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Oh my goodness ...

Bet your bottom dollar I most certainly AM!!! standing up on my Prayer Bones for you!!

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