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I learned late last night that Ken Buckingham, known to us as Fingers McGee, passed away yesterday, Wednesday, October 16.  He had been in hospice care with Parkinson's for some time.


He was a dedicated Frontiersman and always ready to share his expertise in black powder firearms.


We are diminished.



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  • Sad 21

Prayers up and condolences to family and friends. RIP Fingers McGee

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Possed with him a time or two... pure gentleman.


Rest in Peace, Fingers.

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I will miss him greatly!  We had great discussions and conversations any time we got together.


A total Frontiersman and a friend.


Condolences to his family and to his friends.  When the sorrow passes, he will be remembered with smiles!!

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RIP Fingers Mcgee.  I shot with this fine Gentleman many times over the years.  He was always smiling and liked to share knowledge about shooting cap & ball.  Remember when he said he was hanging it up and not going to shoot anymore.  This is a sad day.  My condolances to his family and friends. :(

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Always enjoyed shooting with Ken, and he always asked how Little Rebel was doing. Rest easy Ken, we'll take it from here.

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1 hour ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

Always enjoyed following his quest to acquire every model of stainless steel Colt 2nd gen C&B's he could find.

...as did I, and he had most of them.  I never shot with Fingers but met him and liked him a lot.  Prayers up for the family.

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Great pard & great frontiersman.

Shot with him many a time in the old days.

Resident expert on Colt cap guns -- His invaluable knowledge will be lost forever -- too bad!

RIP Fingers -- You will be missed!

Your family & friends will be in my prayers!

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Many fond memories shooting with Fingers here at the Lake.

He was a pard to ride the river with. RIP Mr. Magoo.

Condolences to Lady Fingers and family.

You will be missed.

Coyote Kid

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RIP  Sr.

A Fountain of Cap Gun History and information Lost Again. 

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Kathouse Kelli and myself shot with him many times during our stay in OK usa. Great fellow, RIP mate,/

Jack n Kat.

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