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Ammo in the box??


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Let's say you got a safe deposit box. And in that box you have a gun. You probably also have money and maybe additional identification. But you got a gun. How much ammunition would you have in there with the gun?


TV show I'm watching, and the guy opens the box and there's several stacks of various countries' currency. And he takes out a large stack of US bills. Then he picks up a stack of passports and thumbs through them, picking out one. Takes his passport and throws it in the box. In the box is what appears to be a SIG 380. No ammunition that I can see.


Book I read some years back. Guy inherits this safe deposit box. It's one of the larger boxes - 16, maybe 18 inches high. And it is lop slopping full of $20 bills. And lying on top of that huge pile of money is a Walther P38. Again, no evidence of any spare ammunition.


Now if I had an automatic pistol in the box, it would be fully loaded and there would be at least two loaded magazines, and two 50-round boxes.


Ive said this since i got my first , the gun is just a fancy paperweight without ammo , and if its unloaded its a provocation and little more than a club if your lucky , 



oh unless you can pull that age old redneck ploy of "here hold my beer" 


So folks in certain lines of work have associates.


People talk and if your business for whatever reason is all cash and or requires a fallback supply often desperate people decide that under duress you might allow them access to your stash.


Big pistol on top of your cash in either a safe deposit or safe might even the odds. 1 reason.the 


If I'm skipping town and grab my backup ID and stash cash I'm planning on crossing a border checkpoint.  Folks like that know how to procure protection on the other side of the border. So a loaded piece will get me to the airport or to the border and get tossed.


I wouldn’t keep a gun in a bank safety deposit box because, with my luck, the bank would not be open when I needed access. ;)


BUT, if I did it would be as @Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770said. A loaded gun and a couple of mags. 

9 hours ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

You see this fairly often on TV and in the Movies. Usually the Box or the Safe is for "Bug Out" supplies. Grab and go. In a case like that, I wouldn't be trying to lug a couple boxes of ammo around. A couple spare magazines perhaps. But no more than that. 

Let's pretend for just a moment that I'm setting up cache in Pennsylvania. I've got long underwear, and snow pants, and a sweatshirt, and a parka, and a watch cap, and some insulated gloves. I've also got a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and a pair of tennis shoes and a baseball cap. If I show up in July I've got clean warm weather clothing. But if I show up in February I've got clean cold weather clothing.


Now I show up in July and I put on my warm weather clothing, but I'm not going to take that parka and snow boots with me. They would get left behind. But they were there when I got there in case I needed them when I got there.


So if I showed up, and slid in the back way where nobody saw me, and got in and took my pistol and two spare magazines and slid back out - wonderful. But if I was being chased when I got there, and I got in and got my pistol in my two spare magazines I believe I would like to have more than 16 rounds (I think of 1911s) to fight off the bad guys. Nice to have those two boxes of shells in there. But if I can't spare the weight, I leave them in the box.


Seems to me that an emergency cache should have basically whatever you can think you might need. And then you take what you do need and leave everything else there.


Alpo, you have WAY too much time on your hands. Just sit back and enjoy the movie and stop over thinking it. LOL




You have no cache/stash.


You have 30 mins to "bug out".


What are you taking?


Are there two boxes of ammo on that list?

26 minutes ago, Stump Water said:

You have 30 mins to "bug out".

Love the possibilities here, Two RVs, two trucks, plus two hotrods stashed at the neighbors, fridge and freezer emptied. Cat. Two safes pretty much cleared out along with a bunch of ammo. Cash and some other items including a few bits of gold, extra clothes. Checkbooks. Wow! a whole half hour.


Last time was finish hooking up my lady's SUV to one RV, abandoned everything else but the kitty cat. Two trucks, one puling the RV down the hill. I went in just ahead of EMS which shut the road down behind me. We got out. We went back in 10 minutes after the county opened the road (about a week later) and got the rest. The looters came in during the next day or two.


30 minutes is a lot different from "right now." If "right now," focus on your loved ones.


On edit: Turns out ammo is a consumable and consumables are not covered under fire insurance. I did not care, but it is something to know.


Look at it as Massad Ayoob might suggest.  If you are actually involved in a shooting. Police will take your guns. They don’t take your right to have one though. It’s good to have one elsewhere.  Massad’s suggestion was to give your lawyer a sealed envelope which you can request later.


Gun , Cash , ID , Three Spare Magazines,  Credit Card, Keys to Tuck & Off Grid  Cabin  in the woods .


Cabin is already stocked !



21 hours ago, Alpo said:

I believe I would like to have more than 16 rounds (I think of 1911s) to fight off the bad guys

Get yourself a Glock standard sized model or a similar striker fired pistol. 17 rounds plus 1 in the chamber and 2 more mags gives you 52 rounds. Also, you can put a round in the chamber and it’s ready to go at the pull of the trigger. 


You did that intentionally, right Pat? You know, from previous posts I've made, how much I despise combat Tupperware. So you recommend I get one because you want to wind me up.


Not cool.


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