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Back when he was about twelve or thirteen, Sassparilla Kid decided that he wanted a 16 gauge Winchester Model 12.  "Hey, Dad!  Can we drive to town and see if we can find one?"  Well, it was meant to be!  Our first stop, the late Herb Bauer Sporting Goods, had a pretty decent one on the used rack for a surprisingly good price.  Actually, quite a nice little gun, nineteen forty-eight manufacture, full choke tube.  


So a bunch of years later the Kid found another barrel assembly on Ebay that very closely matched the gun - but with a Poly-Choke.  He turned the barrel over to a 'smith to have the choke removed, thinking he'd then have a "cylinder choke" tube.  Maybe explore having it fit with screw-in chokes  But when he got the thing back, the 'smith had Cerakoted it!  


 "Wha'd ya do that for?" the Kid asked....


"Why - I just figgered you'd like it!  Makes it look new!  No charge!"


Needless to say, it no longer matches the rest of the gun.  And since he'd only handed the guy the barrel, it doesn't even match its own magazine tube.  :(


That said - anyone know how to strip Cerakote?  :huh:


And no, he's never gone back to that particular 'smith. 








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Bead blast with 700 grit media. That’s what the Cerakoters (is that a word?) use.

Why not take the rest of the gun to the guy and have him finish the gun? For free, obviously. He started it!

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