Buckshot Bear Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 How far do you think the Middle East Conflict is going to go? Do you think it will fizzle out or the retaliation tit for tat keeps building till something really dramatic happens?
Cypress Sun Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 Probably keep escalating until Israel nukes Iran.
Widder, SASS #59054 Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 2 hours ago, Cypress Sun said: Probably keep escalating until Israel nukes Iran. Or something close ^^^^^ Sooner or later, the citizens of Iran might overthrow the Regime. Who knows? They've been at odds since nickels were made of wood. Those folks over there are the original 'Hatfield and McCoy' feud families. ..........Widder
Texas Joker Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 Repeat of the 7 day war and Isreal doesn't give the dirt back. Twere me in charge: invade, conquer, establish new borders and then repatriate the Palestinians and return to isreal. Instant 2 state solution everybody is saying they want as long as it's Israel's dirt they get to divide.
Chantry Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 I don't see Israel nuking Iran UNLESS Iran nukes Israel or uses chemical weapons. Iran's ability to project power seems to be limited to rockets and everything I've heard suggests that the rocket attack was not very successful. I've read at least one report that Iran actually fired 400 rockets, but half of those landed in Iran and exploded. What I expect is attacks on high value Iranian targets such as :airfields, important leadership or oil production.. Might also see some more surprises like the pager/walkie talkie attacks.
Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 If History is any indicator, it'll go on until Israel beats their opposition into submission and they quit. Whether from attrition of fighters, money, or simply because Israel is taking too much of their territory. Israel will accept the surrender and go back to leaving everybody else alone. Then sooner or later some other Muslim group will attack out of the blue and start it all over again.
Chickasaw Bill SASS #70001 Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 been going on a long time , I don't see an end in sight , without things gettin' real UGLY CB
Cypress Sun Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 5 minutes ago, Chantry said: I don't see Israel nuking Iran UNLESS Iran nukes Israel or uses chemical weapons. Iran's ability to project power seems to be limited to rockets and everything I've heard suggests that the rocket attack was not very successful. I've read at least one report that Iran actually fired 400 rockets, but half of those landed in Iran and exploded. What I expect is attacks on high value Iranian targets such as :airfields, important leadership or oil production.. Might also see some more surprises like the pager/walkie talkie attacks. One thing to remember is that when (it's not a matter of if any longer) Iran is able to produce a nuclear weapon, they will not hesitate to use it on Israel. Like Iran's crazy counterpart, North Korea, Iran has no intention of ceasing it's goal of producing a nuclear weapon for immediate use against it's long time enemy. In Iran's case, that is Israel (#1) and USA (#2). I don't think that Israel has any viable option for peace with Iran or it's proxies. Since the brilliant morons in Washington gave Iran billions of dollars and started "looking the other way" on Iran's nuclear weapons development, Israel doesn't really have any option other than taking out Iran's nuclear facilities and/or Iran itself. I really don't think that Israel can win a conventional land war against Iran. They are not connected by land and would have to use air and naval forces to physically invade or go through Iraq which isn't going to go over real well. Doesn't really matter anyway, they would be overwhelmed by sheer numbers of Iranians, who are Iranians by present name...they used to be called Persians.
Tex Jones, SASS 2263 Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 Traveling out there for around 30 years taught me one thing. No one knows what's going to happen, especially the players.
Rip Snorter Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 As a young martial artist I was attacked by an enraged maniac. I did half a dozen things to him over several minutes, taking some damage myself along the way, before he finally stopped. Some years on in a similar situation, I escalated my response and put him out of action with the first technique. What makes sense?
ORNERY OAF Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 Hard to nuke Isreal without killing Jerusalem, and Jerusalem is the goal. Been fighting over it for thousands of years. Isreal can NOT give up Jerusalem, I will fly my ass over there , strap on a rifle again and die fighting before that happens, and I know I'm not alone.
Forty Rod SASS 3935 Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 No one will gain much ground in the Middle East until we get out of our little "Crusader Villages" and roll out everything we have and start kicking a$$! And we must DEMAND assistance from the countries who have been riding our coat tails for over a century! Quit the UN and throw them off our soil (Let them move their HQ to whatever mud nation has provided the current Secretary General and live under those conditions, laws, and customs...and infrastructures and supplies), and defy the UN to do anything about what we are going to do. Ignore whatever they have to say about it. Do away with Diplomatic Immunity" and get their spy systems, operatives, and saboteurs out of our country. If any are caught use our court system, the way it was meant to be and punish them to the full extent of OUR laws and demand equal treatment from the rest of the world. Stop supplying our enemies (and the others who don't care about us as long as we support their governments and causes). Cut them off completely. If they have resources we need we could negotiate contracts for those items and / or services ONLY, at fair market value, and notify the world that we will violently and immediately defend our sources...but not otherwise get involved. Any attacks on U. S. personnel or properties anywhere in the world will be met with immediate violent and total responses. If some country needs what we have we can do the same thing for them. Defend Israel, Taiwan, and other places that we literally created, and demand across the globe that the people we fought for and saved repay the debts (with interest) we are owed. So many of our enemies and competitors would not even exist if we hadn't provided supplies, money, lives, and technology, etc. for them to survive. Great Britain, every government in the Pacific, all of Europe, China, Russia, a large part of India, north Africa, the Middle East, the Atlantic coastal areas, quite a bit of Central and South America, and the list goes on, all owe us for what we did for them. We must stop apologizing to the world for being better than they are and for any other thing we are or do. BE PROUD OF OUR COUNTRY ( if our internal politicians and do-gooders ever allow that to happen.... but that's another discussion.) There are those who will argue that we couldn't have won these fights had it not been for the countries we saved,. Maybe not...but we stepped in and helped, we footed the bill, provided all manner of materials, covered their butts, and even helped plan products, movements, communications, training, propaganda, and a myriad of other things so that "they could help us win the numerous wars...then and now!" WE weren't obligated to do any of this, but we did. When it was over with we stepped in and helped rebuild these countries, many of which almost instantly turned on us and are now our greatest adversaries. Rant over. I'm going to the grocery store.
Eyesa Horg Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 Until the middle east and Russia figure we've used up most of our munitions. Then they can come after us solely. Since we have to defend the world, I don't see a lot of the world helping us. Heck,they can't seem to help themselves.
Trailrider #896 Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 7 hours ago, Cypress Sun said: Doesn't really matter anyway, they would be overwhelmed by sheer numbers of Iranians, who are Iranians by present name...they used to be called Persians. Israel would not invade Iran on the ground, and my bet would be Israel will go after the Iranian leadership and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Were those entities taken out, my bet would be an uprising of the majority of Iranian people, who don't like the current regime, but lack the means to revolt. The big uncertainty is whether Iran obtains a nuclear weapon small enough to fit on one of their ballistic missiles, and if they dare attack Israel with one. Whether they would aim at Jerusalem or not depends on the degree of insanity in the Aiatollah's brain. More likely, they would go after Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities. They have to know that Israel would respond with at least one and probably more Jericho 3's with nukes. Israel will not go nuclear unless hit with nukes first! Iran has launched earth satellites into orbit, which means they have the lift to send a nuke at the U.S. The real question if whether they have the reentry problem solved. We had better pray they have not, nor will have in the same timeframe as they might develop a weapon! If our intel or Israel's says Iran has a nuke, and we don't attempt to take it our, we better hope Israel does, which I'd bet on! Israel is weighing its response to the latest Iranian attacks. Regardless of the U.S. pressure, Israel will either go after Kharq Island and other Iranian oil facilities, or they will attempt to locate the "head" and cut it off the way they are doing with Hezbollah. They may, of course, go after Iran's nuclear capabilities, including centrifuges, weapons assembly plants, and missile sites, using conventional ordnance. How long this will go on only G-d knows. Anti-sematism has been going on in one form or another for thousands of years. It will only cease when people stop hating other people who believe differently from themselves, and stop teaching their children to hate those who are different. But understand this: Jews have been attacked since Abraham destroyed the idols. The Hebrew people have been conquered, displaced, murdered and persecuted since then. But they are still here! All Israel asks is to be left alone and allowed to live in peace with their neighbors and let their discoveries and services benefit all of humankind.
Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 Posted October 5, 2024 Posted October 5, 2024 1 hour ago, Trailrider #896 said: Anti-sematism has been going on in one form or another for thousands of years. It will only cease when people stop hating other people who believe differently from themselves, and stop teaching their children to hate those who are different. This is the part I will never understand. WHY can't people of different beliefs get along? I don't care what anybody else believes in, just as long as they don't try to ram it down my throat. All Israel asks is to be left alone and allowed to live in peace with their neighbors and let their discoveries and services benefit all of humankind. That's what they've always done. And every time, some Muslim group or another has attacked them for no reason EXCEPT that they are Jewish. And for some OTHER unknown reason, the rest of the world seems to hold ISRAEL to blame. I wouldn't blame Israel in the least if they WERE to initiate a nuclear strike. I hope that they don't, because if they do, knowing the rest of the dog eating tin pot dictators of the world, they'll want to go full tilt WW3. NOBODY can afford for that to happen.
Dirty Dan Dawkins Posted October 6, 2024 Posted October 6, 2024 18 hours ago, Buckshot Bear said: How far do you think the Middle East Conflict is going to go? Not far enough…..
Dirty Dan Dawkins Posted October 6, 2024 Posted October 6, 2024 2 hours ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said: Well the Quran/koran spells it all out, depending on clerical interpretation and if a theocracy is in place to exercise it, so there’s that. Surah 3:151: "We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …" Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)." Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …"
Rip Snorter Posted October 6, 2024 Posted October 6, 2024 If you have ever read the Koran - it has always been a precursor to planned global governance, and worse, a theocracy with 5th century rules.
Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 Posted October 6, 2024 Posted October 6, 2024 I recall the Jewish cry: "Never Again!" I would not want to be any country in the area, if Israel thought it was going to be over run or defeated. The jews learned a lesson from the Holocaust and, in my view, if they thought they were going down, they wouldn't be going alone.
Trailrider #896 Posted October 6, 2024 Posted October 6, 2024 16 minutes ago, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said: if they [Israel] thought they were going down, they wouldn't be going alone. In 1972, when it looked like the Soviet Union might intervene in the Middle East on the side of the Arabs, IDF Air Chief of Staff Modi Hod was asked if, the circumstances came about, would Israel (which never has admitted a nuclear capability, but undoubtedly has it), like Sampson in the temple, "pull the roof down around our ears"? Hod merely smiled and replied, "I hope it never becomes necessary." He didn't say it couldn't be done. Keep in mind, Israel's Jericho 3 ballistic missiles could easily reach Iran. If Iran upgrades their Uranium to weapons grade, and they develop a nuke, and if they have solved the ICBM reentry problem, it won't be just Israel in danger! If the U.S. won't stop Iran, let's hope Israel will do it for all of us...BEFORE it becomes necessary for the roof to come down on us all!
Buckshot Bear Posted October 6, 2024 Author Posted October 6, 2024 Its just hard to conceive a world with Iran having nukes. Surely the Saudi's the Jordanians and other ME countries with some semblance of sanity wouldn't want them to have them either?
Buckshot Bear Posted October 6, 2024 Author Posted October 6, 2024 12 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said: Great Britain, every government in the Pacific, all of Europe, China, Russia, a large part of India, north Africa, the Middle East, the Atlantic coastal areas, quite a bit of Central and South America, and the list goes on, all owe us for what we did for them. Australia with our small population has always and always will be an extremely loyal and close Allie of the USA and been in every conflict with the US since WWI. Our defence treaties like ANZUS which comprises Australia, New Zealand and US are very strong.
Ozark Huckleberry Posted October 6, 2024 Posted October 6, 2024 6 hours ago, Rip Snorter said: If you have ever read the Koran - it has always been a precursor to planned global governance, and worse, a theocracy with 5th century rules. Iran is 80% Twelver Shi'a -- official state religion. From everything I've learned, Twelvers are apocalypse-minded folks -- the sooner they can bring the world to the 'final battle', the sooner their twelfth imam can return out of occultation and establish Islam's rule.
Sedalia Dave Posted October 6, 2024 Posted October 6, 2024 On 10/5/2024 at 8:06 AM, Texas Joker said: Repeat of the 7 day war and Isreal doesn't give the dirt back. Twere me in charge: invade, conquer, establish new borders and then repatriate the Palestinians and return to isreal. Instant 2 state solution everybody is saying they want as long as it's Israel's dirt they get to divide. That assumes that the Palestinians will accept a two state solution. My money says it’ll be a cold day in hades before that happens.
Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 Posted October 6, 2024 Posted October 6, 2024 2 minutes ago, Sedalia Dave said: That assumes that the Palestinians will accept a two state solution. My money says it’ll be a cold day in hades before that happens. Quite correct. When one side STARTS the negotiations with "We want all the Jews dead", there will never be lasting peace.
Steel-eye Steve SASS #40674 Posted October 6, 2024 Posted October 6, 2024 13 hours ago, Buckshot Bear said: Its just hard to conceive a world with Iran having nukes. Surely the Saudi's the Jordanians and other ME countries with some semblance of sanity wouldn't want them to have them either? The Saudi’s have been fighting a proxy war against Iran for quite a while, that’s what the civil war in Yemen is about.
Texas Maverick Posted October 6, 2024 Posted October 6, 2024 On 10/5/2024 at 9:46 AM, Rip Snorter said: As a young martial artist I was attacked by an enraged maniac. I did half a dozen things to him over several minutes, taking some damage myself along the way, before he finally stopped. Some years on in a similar situation, I escalated my response and put him out of action with the first technique. What makes sense? After over 12 years in law enforcement I learned you end the threat as quickly as possible with any means necessary. TM
bgavin Posted October 6, 2024 Posted October 6, 2024 On 10/5/2024 at 7:46 AM, Rip Snorter said: As a young martial artist I was attacked by an enraged maniac. I did half a dozen things to him over several minutes, taking some damage myself along the way, before he finally stopped. Some years on in a similar situation, I escalated my response and put him out of action with the first technique. What makes sense? I like the Jack Reacher approach: avoid the fight if possible, then fight to win. Right now.
SGT. M. F. QUINCANNON, #32999 Posted October 6, 2024 Posted October 6, 2024 I think the clouds will roll back and a figure on a pale horse will emerge, waving a sword of flame…
J-BAR #18287 Posted October 7, 2024 Posted October 7, 2024 As long as there is a Jewish religion and a Muslim religion, there will be conflict. Just like as long as there Democrats and Republicans there will be conflict. A unified America is a fantasy; the history of the United States is one of disagreement between Jeffersonians (weak Federal Government) and Federalists (powerful Federal Government). The history and future of the Middle East is the same...continued friction. And maybe the continued conflict is desirable. It means neither side is in complete control.
Forty Rod SASS 3935 Posted October 7, 2024 Posted October 7, 2024 18 hours ago, Buckshot Bear said: Australia with our small population has always and always will be an extremely loyal and close Allie of the USA and been in every conflict with the US since WWI. Our defence treaties like ANZUS which comprises Australia, New Zealand and US are very strong. Aussies and New Zealanders are exceptions, although I have never really considered them Pacific Islanders.
Rip Snorter Posted October 7, 2024 Posted October 7, 2024 Unfortunately, at some level a Forever War to extinction. Tragically, the odds are overwhelming.
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