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Quaint Evening

Calamity Kris

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Uno and I went for dinner this evening at a quaint little tavern in a near by town.  The place holds maybe 40 people at the most.  As we came in the door, there was a large table off to the left that had 5 couples around it.  The owner told us sometimes there were only 3 couples, and sometimes there were 7 or 8 but it depended on who was available.  This group of folks came every Friday evening for dinner and drinks.  They were all locals and I would guess the median age was about 70.  There was lots of laughing, joke telling and general camaraderie.  One of the gentlemen came to our table to apologize for their loud conversations.  We just smiled and said carry on.  You're a great bunch to listen to.  As they were leaving, the owner came up and gave them all hugs, wishing them a good week.  She walked them to the door and invited them back next week.  The place became deafeningly quiet at that point.  The remaining few patrons seemed saddened by their departure. 


On the drive home, I mentioned to Uno we need to make more of an effort to stay connected with our friends.  Maybe we could organize a Friday evening gathering like that.  It would be really sad to let our insanely busy lives get in the way of living..........   He agreed.


I've relatively recently started having a social life. My wife and just don't have friends. we have people that we know, but no real friends. I used to have my friend of 50 years back in Ohio, but lost him about 3 years ago. 

But since retiring, I've started going to the gym, and there HAVE made friends. 

I initially started with a trainer, since I hadn't worked out in 30 years, but later started working out with a guy I met there. 

Now he's been going for years, so he knows just about everybody in the place. But for some reason, he and I started hanging out together. So a while back, he asked if I wanted to get together for lunch. So he, another guy and I went to a small place that I take my wife to and had at it. The next month, we did it again, And so on. It's very informal, one of us will just say "Hey, lunch Friday?" And we're off. We've taken to asking more and more guys to go, and last time we had 8. 

Since I'm not a very original thinker, I stole the name "The Grumpy Lunch Bunch" from Forty Rod, and everybody likes it. When we go, we can get "lively", but nobody seems to mind and we get a lot of laughs from the crowd. My wife has her things, and I have this. Keep to it.


Schoolmarm says that I am a social animal! I have my cowboy friends and we get together for lunch several times a year, mostly in the middle of the month.  It seems to fall to me to schedule these events.


Then there’s my music gang. Very small, but we’ve been together for more than twenty-five years.  We text , email, and talk on the phone and get together for a weekend lunch/supper now and then.


Also, I have a few old friends from my distant past, made when I was racing, that call and sometimes visit. We keep up with racing today and a few of them still tear up the track!  I’m occasionally invited to join them.


There is a couple. Will Reilly, (his cowboy alias) and his wife, Kris, that Schoolmarm and I try to have dinner with and catch a movie as often as we can.


Last but not least, I see Tennessee Stud, J. Mark Flint, and Willy McCoy when I get the chance.  J. Mark uses my shop and we collaborate on some hotrod stuff. Willy does my gunsmith work. The Stud is just my friend.


That bunch of cowboys is the Wartrace Chapter of The Grumpy Lunch Bunch, duly recognized by none other than Forty Rod, who I talk to by phone and email regularly!


Don’t pass up a chance to reach out to friends!!  Too many of them have left us and we won’t see them again on this side of the river.





2 minutes ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

Schoolmarm says that I am a social animal! I have my cowboy friends and we get together for lunch several times a year, mostly in the middle of the month.  It seems to fall to me to schedule these events.


Then there’s my music gang. Very small, but we’ve been together for more than twenty-five years.  We text , email, and talk on the phone and get together for a weekend lunch/supper now and then.


Also, I have a few old friends from my distant past, made when I was racing, that call and sometimes visit. We keep up with racing today and a few of them still tear up the track!  I’m occasionally invited to join them.


There is a couple. Will Reilly, (his cowboy alias) and his wife, Kris, that Schoolmarm and I try to have dinner with and catch a movie as often as we can.


Last but not least, I see Tennessee Stud, J. Mark Flint, and Willy McCoy when I get the chance.  J. Mark uses my shop and we collaborate on some hotrod stuff. Willy does my gunsmith work. The Stud is just my friend.


That bunch of cowboys is the Wartrace Chapter of The Grumpy Lunch Bunch, duly recognized by none other than Forty Rod, who I talk to by phone and email regularly!


Don’t pass up a chance to reach out to friends!!  Too many of them have left us and we won’t see them again on this side of the river.





You are a fortunate guy.  Most of my few real friends have passed, and I cherish the couple that remain. I do have a very short list of new ones.  Definitions, possibly.  Even having relocated several times and at some distance each move, I have plenty of friendly acquaintances!


+1       There are Friends, and then there are friendly people.  I tried to explain this to my son many years ago, and just recently I think

he finally understands the difference.

         I have three or four true blue friends, who will be there no matter what-even if it's for bail at 3am:unsure:. But I have loads of friendly 

people I see on a daily basis, who are great people and lots of fun to be around, but I would never call them to bail me out.


I get together with a group of friends most Fridays for lunch. We also have a group text that is posted to pretty regularly. 

 Like most people I have a large circle of acquaintances. However I have a smaller circle of friends that I can count on any time day or night. 


2 groups that I belong to (my Masonic Lodge & Shrine Club) have once a month dinner get togethers for family, friends & guests. We dine at local eateries and rotate several of them (mexican, steakhouse, oriental and a burger joint). We have an area for our group at each one of them. No business meeting, just a social gathering. There are usually around 20 and we have a great time. 

19 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

I miss The Grumpy Lunch Bunch....a lot!

I would fit right in with that bunch but think you are a little too far away to get in on it. LOL



On 10/4/2024 at 8:01 PM, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:

Shux... if'n it was me, I'd likely wander over and introduce myself!  :)

im in agreement , sounds like a group i want to join up with , they can make jokes about me wanting too join if it works , 

On 10/4/2024 at 4:49 PM, Calamity Kris said:

Uno and I went for dinner this evening at a quaint little tavern in a near by town.  The place holds maybe 40 people at the most.  As we came in the door, there was a large table off to the left that had 5 couples around it.  The owner told us sometimes there were only 3 couples, and sometimes there were 7 or 8 but it depended on who was available.  This group of folks came every Friday evening for dinner and drinks.  They were all locals and I would guess the median age was about 70.  There was lots of laughing, joke telling and general camaraderie.  One of the gentlemen came to our table to apologize for their loud conversations.  We just smiled and said carry on.  You're a great bunch to listen to.  As they were leaving, the owner came up and gave them all hugs, wishing them a good week.  She walked them to the door and invited them back next week.  The place became deafeningly quiet at that point.  The remaining few patrons seemed saddened by their departure. 


On the drive home, I mentioned to Uno we need to make more of an effort to stay connected with our friends.  Maybe we could organize a Friday evening gathering like that.  It would be really sad to let our insanely busy lives get in the way of living..........   He agreed. 

We started a group in SoCal called The Grumpy Lunch Bunch (Check them out on the web) that was very much like that.  Every other Thursday at 11:00 we met in a different place.  Some times we went on excursions like to the Autry Museum, Peterson's Car Museum, or the Route 66 Museum.  Sometimes we went to some member's back yard and had a picnic....like Tom Muley's cast iron cooling.  I sure miss that guy.  There are only Rowdy and Donna Yates and Cliff Hanger left.


There are a group of CAS shooters, rodeo folks, and regular like-minded people who meet at Zeke's Eatin' Place in Prescott every Thursday morning at 7:00.  Drop on in if you're in the area.  We'll be at the back of the place on the right hand side.  You'll enjoy yourself and meet some of the most outlandish people you ever saw.

On 10/4/2024 at 5:36 PM, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

Since I'm not a very original thinker, I stole the name "The Grumpy Lunch Bunch" from Forty Rod, and everybody likes it. When we go, we can get "lively", but nobody seems to mind and we get a lot of laughs from the crowd


13 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

We started a group in SoCal called The Grumpy Lunch Bunch (Check them out on the web) that was very much like that.

 Drop on in if you're in the area.  We'll be at the back of the place on the right hand side.  You'll enjoy yourself and meet some of the most outlandish people you ever saw.

Hey Forty, I hope you don't mind that I stole the name, but it fits us. Mostly older guys, we work out at the gym, go shooting, and talk a lot of politics. 

If I ever happen to get to Prescott I'll be sure to check you guys out.


I have not been there for a while, But we have a McHale's Navy Breakfast club. It's for veterans and meets every other Wednesday. Very enjoyable group.

17 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

We started a group in SoCal called The Grumpy Lunch Bunch (Check them out on the web) that was very much like that.  Every other Thursday at 11:00 we met in a different place.  Some times we went on excursions like to the Autry Museum, Peterson's Car Museum, or the Route 66 Museum.  Sometimes we went to some member's back yard and had a picnic....like Tom Muley's cast iron cooling.  I sure miss that guy.  There are only Rowdy and Donna Yates and Cliff Hanger left.


There are a group of CAS shooters, rodeo folks, and regular like-minded people who meet at Zeke's Eatin' Place in Prescott every Thursday morning at 7:00.  Drop on in if you're in the area.  We'll be at the back of the place on the right hand side.  You'll enjoy yourself and meet some of the most outlandish people you ever saw.


Yes.  We joined you guys a couple of times.  Too bad w@rk got in the way or we would have made more meetings.


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