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reloading services

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I know that this might be better suited on the main Wire, but since I spend more time here, I'm asking here. 

I don't reload, and I'm probably not going to. BUT, I have been saving brass for years because there used to be a place in town I could have it reloaded for a decent price. I recently contacted them about doing so, and their cost was as much to reload MY brass than the cost of buying from several online places including shipping. 

My question is this: Is there someplace that WILL reload or trade my brass that will significantly save me money? 

1 hour ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

I know that this might be better suited on the main Wire, but since I spend more time here, I'm asking here. 

I don't reload, and I'm probably not going to. BUT, I have been saving brass for years because there used to be a place in town I could have it reloaded for a decent price. I recently contacted them about doing so, and their cost was as much to reload MY brass than the cost of buying from several online places including shipping. 

My question is this: Is there someplace that WILL reload or trade my brass that will significantly save me money? 


Given the current cost of labor, the only way you are going to save any money is to buy the equipment and start reloading yourself.  Upfront cost is high but it will soon pay for itself. Your problem will be sourcing a suitable powder.

You'll save at least 50 cents a round on 38 specials by loading them yourself. The break even point on a $1000.00 investment in equipment and consumables is only 2000 rounds. 


My equipment paid for itself 3 months after I started CAS.


Last week I averaged about 400 rounds an hour on my little SDB.  Each round cost me about 20 cents to reload. So I spent $80 to load those 400 rounds. Buying the same 400 rounds would cost me at least $300.00.  Figure an hour to clean and prep everything and an hour spent loading my savings over buying loaded ammo works out to $110 an hour. 


Over the last 10 years I have loaded about 100,000 rounds of 38 special cowboy ammo. In today's dollars, those 100,000 rounds loaded in new virgin brass would cost me about $33,000.00. To buy the same 100,000 rounds from a commercial source would cost me at least $75,000.00 


This works out to a savings of over $4200.00 a year. Hard to ignore the benefits of reloading when you look at the cost savings.


Corrected my math.


After getting squibs from reloaded ammo purchased at a gun show, I vowed to never shoot someone else's reloads.


Yes, I have also produced squibs... fortunately not many in the last 26 years.

20 minutes ago, Sedalia Dave said:


Given the current cost of labor, the only way you are going to save any money is to buy the equipment and start reloading yourself.  Upfront cost is high but it will soon pay for itself. Your problem will be sourcing a suitable powder.

You'll save at least 50 cents a round on 38 specials by loading them yourself. The break even point on a $1000.00 investment in equipment and consumables is only 2000 rounds. 

Using AmmoSeek.com you can buy new 125 grain38S for 32.3 cents each.  $161.50 for 500 including ammo can. https://www.freedommunitions.com/lax-factory-new-38-spl-125-gr-fp-500-ct-w-free-ammo-can.html

Based on online prices the cost of components not including, hazmat, shipping & sales tax the cost per unit is 17 cents for a savings of 15.3 cents per round.  The breakeven point is then 6500 rounds.

I started CAS in 2011 and with 45 Colt Ruger pistols an a Baretta Goldrush (Uberti Lightning) rifle.  Then when price for Winchester or Magtech cowboy box of 50 at $43-$45  I quickly determined I needed to reload.  It was a mistake for me to start out with a Dillon XL650 which saves time when loading 500+ rounds.  I found that it is inconvenient to fix a few buggered rounds.  I quickly added a Lee breech lock single stage press for fixing mistakes and a batches less than 200 rounds.  Soon after I added the automatic case feeder to the XL650.  With long pistol cases and rifle cases you spend a lot of time refilling the case feed tube.  Interruptions in loading process are the primary source of mistakes.

I find reloading to be a stress reliever.


J. D. Daily said,


“With long pistol cases and rifle cases you spend a lot of time refilling the case feed tube.  Interruptions in loading process are the primary source of mistakes.”


I saw that as soon as I set my xl750 up.  The tube holds maybe a dozen .45s.


I immediately began shopping around for an automatic case feeder.  A new one with the minimum of the needed peripherals is pretty costly for someone on a fixed income.

I found a used one with three plates and a few other pieces for about half the price of new and Dillon stands behind it just like if I bought it brand new.



2 hours ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

She might be good, but I can't afford her. 

You will not find anyone cheaper or better than Scarlett !🤠

35 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

You will not find anyone cheaper or better than Scarlett !🤠

Not to disparage her, but unless I'm looking wrong, she wants $425 for 500 .38 rounds, $469 for .45 Colt, and $429 for .45ACP. 

That comes to $42.50 for a box of .38s. I can get 500 rounds from Miwall for $180 shipped. It's even less than $400 for 500 .45 Colt. 

I understand that hers are "Cowboy" loads, but I'm just looking for something to poke holes in paper with.

If I'm looking at the wrong place, please show me. 


You can start reloading for WAY cheaper than $1,000. Don't buy a "kit" though. I did and ended up not using most of the things in it. You can buy a single stage press, a set of Lee dies, a digital scale off of Amazon and get started. You can add things like a powder measure for speed later if money is tight. It's  slower to weigh powder one at a time, but can be done. If money is not an issue, go for the full Dillon or other progressive press.

I could not imagine shooting more than a couple of times a year and not reloading.


Think of it this way.  If you were going to reload cowboy ammo on a small commercial scale what do you think you'd  be able to price ammo at to feel that it was worth your time and effort? Especially with today's component prices and availability. 


I've cast, for my own use, the Big Lube 44 and 45 caliber bullets. No one would want to pay what I'd have to charge to make a little extra money.

35 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

Not to disparage her, but unless I'm looking wrong, she wants $425 for 500 .38 rounds, $469 for .45 Colt, and $429 for .45ACP. 

That comes to $42.50 for a box of .38s. I can get 500 rounds from Miwall for $180 shipped. It's even less than $400 for 500 .45 Colt. 

I understand that hers are "Cowboy" loads, but I'm just looking for something to poke holes in paper with.

If I'm looking at the wrong place, please show me. 

So your not looking for cowboy loads to shoot in matches -  just want loads to punch holes in paper?

12 hours ago, J.D. Daily said:

Using AmmoSeek.com you can buy new 125 grain38S for 32.3 cents each.  $161.50 for 500 including ammo can. https://www.freedommunitions.com/lax-factory-new-38-spl-125-gr-fp-500-ct-w-free-ammo-can.html



Great price However, read the description. Copper plated ammo is not SASS legal.



X-Treme Bullets features copper plating applied electrochemically to a precision swaged lead core. The base of the bullet is also fully coated in copper.




Try buying black powder 44-40,45 colt and black powder 12g,lol....I'm not even sure they make em. But I do, thank goodness. Let alone my 45-70,45-90s ,50-70 and 50-90s. Reloading is actually fun when ya cast your own,make your own lube and try to build your best cartridges.

2 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:


For plinking ammo this is your best resource.

Those 24”x 18” steel targets at 4 yards “Plink” :lol:

59 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

Those 24”x 18” steel targets at 4 yards “Plink” :lol:


Four yards away...My God...I hope those are rifle targets!:P


Check out Choice Ammo too.

17 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

J. D. Daily said,


“With long pistol cases and rifle cases you spend a lot of time refilling the case feed tube.  Interruptions in loading process are the primary source of mistakes.”


I saw that as soon as I set my xl750 up.  The tube holds maybe a dozen .45s.


I immediately began shopping around for an automatic case feeder.  A new one with the minimum of the needed peripherals is pretty costly for someone on a fixed income.

I found a used one with three plates and a few other pieces for about half the price of new and Dillon stands behind it just like if I bought it brand new.



You might want to check on the mini-da bullet feeder as well. I just added it to my 650 and what a difference it makes. Yes, it is slow loading the magazines but I have 5 of them and they hold a little over 100 38 bullets. So I load them the same time I load my 5 primer tubes. So then I can kick out 500 rounds in a short amount of time. Just start pulling the handle for a new round. Just have to turn the turret to feed in a new tube on the magazine.



3 hours ago, Cypress Sun said:


Four yards away...My God...I hope those are rifle targets!:P

I think my neighbors heard me laughing at this one. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


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