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ISO/WTB White Ruger Grip for NMV .45

Max Payne

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I need grips for one NMV 45 Ruger. It'll look like the ones in the attached picture (which is actually of .32's).


Whatcha got?

Pistols Jimmy Spurs .32 Vaqueros 021621.jpg


Received this email, which appears to be a SCAM attempt. If you know otherwise, let me know.


From: dynamic Eric <dynamice74@gmail.com>
Date: September 27, 2024 at 2:06:46 PM EDT
To: Max'es Email address ( removed it for this)
Subject: White Ruger Grip for NMV .45
Hello Max I’m messaging you concerning the White Ruger Grip for NMV .45, I have a for sale in a perfect condition kindly get back to me with your shipping info if you’re still interested searching.
I still want one, just prefer to buy a real one instead of just giving someone my money.


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