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Tennessee williams

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4 hours ago, Hoss said:

I don’t use sound only (actually lack thereof) to determine a miss. It’s just one of the things I use to help me properly score. 

I think we all get a lot of different signals telling us whether or not rounds hit the targets.  The signals all come at once in a split second and our brain has to take in all of that data and spit out conclusions -- and for 20 or more  rounds in fast succession.  When you think about it, that's quite a task.  I guess that's why there are three spotters who hopefully make calls independently. 


 For me, a big part of spotting is positioning-- not just standing in position for seeing the targets, but moving with the shooter where possible,  staying where I can see misses hit the ground behind target plates.  Many times I've seen bullets hit far up on berms at obtuse angles and had to check targets with the other spotters for edge hits.  I've also called some hits after only seeing bullets hit the ground at those seriously obtuse angles (benefit of doubt to shooter). 




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