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What not to forget to take along to a state match.

Lucky Shot Sassman

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OK I know our members are list makers. We are headed to a state match and don't want to forget something obvious. 


Welcome to the match.  Bring guns, ammo, cart, leather, eye and ear protection and clothes.  Throw in a slicker in case of rain and a cover for the cart.  Tools are optional as there are plenty of folks with the necessaries.  Some snacks in the event you need some fuel during the match, although there should be plenty staged near the stages.  Have fun.  See you there.




Mad $$$$, you can't predict what made need to follow you home into your gun safe......


I forgot my hat once. Wound up buying a straw hat at Craker Barrel that worked just fine.

Lucky :D

15 minutes ago, Hashknife Cowboy said:

Mad $$$$, you can't predict what made need to follow you home into your gun safe......

If you haven't been to the match before, the match is held on property owned by Ahlman's Gun Store.  There's always something to see there.


I’ve forgotten an item or ten over the years.  Mostly made do.  I’ve bought what I needed at the “yard sale” or “swap meet” on a number of occasions, including one of my favorite hats!


I even bought a short stroke kit at one meet and ended up using parts of it before the match was over!!


Most of us try to bring extra, (everything) so you’re usually pretty safe.


Guns, leather, ammunition, cart, clothes, eyes, ears and yourself are the essentials.  Your meds, (if needed) snacks, a hat, sunscreen, (often necessary) extra everything, and more if you think of it!


Some thoughts:

  • raingear always, don't temp the weather
  • backup guns for all main matches guns.  When guns break they usually do so at major matches.
  • 50% extra ammo for side matches, top gun shootoffs and possible reshoots
  • be prepared to tighten loose screws on your firearms
  • bring your best ammo for your rifle.  You don't want a split case
  • cleaning gear - clean after every day of shooting
  • plan to pay for everything in cash.  Some locations lack cellphone coverage and wireless payment systems won't work
  • my wife reminds to always bring her handicap parking permit

Come a day early if you can so you don't have to shoot fatigued.  Shoot a warmup match if possible and get used to the target placement at the range.  At major matches the level of competition is higher than local matches.  Don't try to keep up with shooters much faster than yourself.  Shoot the pace you are comfortable with and enjoy the match.


Don't forget to bring a great and fun attitude. 


Guns, backup guns.

Gun cart. 

Ear plugs. 



Ammo. Spare ammo

Hat, boots, pants, shirts etc...

Extra cash for those vendors. 

Tools for work on your guns if needed. 





Here's the checklist I use...

Main Match Guns.
Main Match Ammo
Side Match Guns

Side Match Ammo

Holsters, belts, ammo pouches, etc.

Gun Cart

Wild Bunch Guns and Ammo if needed.
Extra Main Match guns in case of a malfunction.
Gun Cleaning Supplies.

Gunsmith Screwdrivers

Bottle of foam earplugs.
Range bag.
Gun cases for transport.

Small cooler for water is not a bad idea.

Something to put empty brass in.   Separate container for each caliber/ gauge recommended.
At least one extra empty gun case in case you buy/win a gun!

All of the above assumes that this is the match in your home state and that you will not be overnighting away from home.  If this is going to be one you travel to, also bring along everything you would normally bring for a long road trip/vacation.

3 hours ago, Edward R S Canby, SASS#59971 said:

Some thoughts:

  • raingear always, don't temp the weather
  • backup guns for all main matches guns.  When guns break they usually do so at major matches.
  • 50% extra ammo for side matches, top gun shootoffs and possible reshoots
  • be prepared to tighten loose screws on your firearms
  • bring your best ammo for your rifle.  You don't want a split case
  • cleaning gear - clean after every day of shooting
  • plan to pay for everything in cash.  Some locations lack cellphone coverage and wireless payment systems won't work
  • my wife reminds to always bring her handicap parking permit

Come a day early if you can so you don't have to shoot fatigued.  Shoot a warmup match if possible and get used to the target placement at the range.  At major matches the level of competition is higher than local matches.  Don't try to keep up with shooters much faster than yourself.  Shoot the pace you are comfortable with and enjoy the match.

this list is almost complete. But I would add:

  • Shooting glasses
  • Ear protection
  • Warm coat and gloves (weather even here in Texas can get cold without notice)
  • Gun cart
  • Cowboy clothes with a few extras unless you have access to a washer/dryer. (might get wet or muddy and need a change of clothes)
  • Cowboy hat (I usually have at least 2)
  • Cowboy boots
  • Drivers License (some use this to verify your age - like Land Run)




If you're camping at the range... tent or trailer, (whatever), don't forget your pillow.  

1 minute ago, Griff said:

If you're camping at the range... tent or trailer, (whatever), don't forget your pillow.  

Or TP ;)


Since there is a chance of rain I throw in a can of compressed air to help get the moisture out of guns. 

also on my list:

peppermint candies for a sour stomach 


mustache comb

salted nut rolls


the item that I forgot once that threw me for a loop was my loading block. I didn’t realize how much I depend on those things. 




9 hours ago, Anvil Al #59168 said:

Don't forget to bring a great and fun attitude. 


Guns, backup guns.

Gun cart. 

Ear plugs. 



Ammo. Spare ammo

Hat, boots, pants, shirts etc...

Extra cash for those vendors. 

Tools for work on your guns if needed. 




Thanks for mentioning extra cash for vendors. 🥰





These events happen to people we shoot with when going to a three day shoot about 270 miles away. One guy was double lucky because when they got up there he was checking his ammo and realized he forgot his, and since we had not headed up yet, our son went to his house and got his ammo for him. A different guy forgot his hat one year and to find one at a local store ( i think it was a Wal Mart, only to find out there was a Boot Barn about 25 miles away). And the year before that, this same guy gives me a call wanting to know how soon my son and I would heading up. The thing was we were about 10 miles from getting there. He had forgotten his clothes. Lucky for him, another local guy was heading up the next morning and his daughter drove his clothes up to the guy so  he could bring them up. 


Spare hairpin clips/ cotterpin to keep the wheels on the gun cart, a couple of extra Chicago screws, cards with your phone number, rule 9 always carry a knife




Keys to unlock you guns!!!! Cleaning kit, screwdriver or tool kit (if something breaks it's usually at a state match), rain slicker-towels-dust covers-cart umbrella for shade or rain, cash or checks to purchase from vendors, gun cart, firearms, holsters, ammo, eye and ear protection. Your suitcase, hat & boots!

And your smile!!!!!


Some states such as NY, NJ, MA and perhaps some others require you to lock your guns in cases, and your ammo locked in a box and placed in a separate section of your vehicle from your firearms. And to have your match registration confirmation, a match flyer, firearms ID card and pistol documents.




While I'd like to make the Bigger matches seem complex and confusing...I'd rather not.


Big matches are no different than monthlies...it's just another match. Kinda think of it as a two-day monthly. What would you need?


More ammo...that's about it. Yes, there may be some other guns you don't normally shoot (ie: Long Range, Pocket pistol, etc). Other than that...have enough clothes for a couple monthly matches.


Tools, cleaning, parts, spare guns...oy! If your gun(s) break you're more than likely to be out of contention...folks will lend you guns to finish the match.


Or...you can get an 18-Wheeler and haul everything to the "Big" match...




Been waiting for I believe Irish Pat to reply on his story.           GW


Extra underwear and Ibuprofen or Extra Strength Tylenol!! Not a bad idea to have some snacks with you, jerky, pretzels etc 


Ever see a military "Junk on the Bunk" equipment layout and inspection? Serves several purposes.


Checklists are a big help. Highly recommend.


I use checklists and layouts to pack for any match. Use the checklist to lay out all the gear, tools, supplies, etc. Got everything? Fix/add/etc.  Then bag/bundle/pack. Stage all the baggage in the one place for it. Then all into the vehicle in the proper places. Visually check at the staging points.


So even funnier when I say, "Where is my dang hat?". (grin)


We just shot our state match last weekend.  I was on the crew entering scores.  I notice one of my fellow club members had ten misses on one stage.  I asked him what happened.  He pulled a round out of his pocket and showed it to me.  A case split and a bullet pushed back into the case locking up his '73.  This is a common occurrence when shooting brass that has been loaded a lot.  Lesson learned: bring your best rifle ammo to the state match.  Load virgin or once-fired brass for your rifle.


The wind blew at 45 mph the first day of the main match.  I put gun covers on my long guns and parked it in the lee of a building to help protect it from blowing dust.  The long guns worked fine.  One fellow's '97 shotgun got so full of dirt and sand he could barely work the action.  

22 minutes ago, Hells Comin said:

How about holsters. 


Shoot Outlaw and Mexican Carry your revolvers.  However, "reholstering" will be slow.  :rolleyes:

16 hours ago, Hells Comin said:

How about holsters. 


Funny story about those holsters. Thanks for the memories. :) Ask HC about them sometime.


I just thought of something REALLY important to bring to a match!



Every match - monthly, mid week practice, multi day annual, state etc involves a LOT of volunteers. It makes me so sad when the folks who have worked so hard, given their time and expertise, get a hard time because some little or big thing isn’t to a shooter’s liking. Granted, there is generally room for improvement however, DURING the match is not the time to voice complaints/suggestions. 

Being an out of town vendor/sponsor at a lot of places gives us the opportunity to peek “behind the curtain” so to speak. Sometimes it’s shooters complaining about the stages, (I try to only ask for outlined targets 😁), the target placement, badges, weather, etc etc etc. 


Sometimes it’s a Match Director who is worn out because he/she didn’t have much help or the help didn’t show as promised… sometimes it’s vendor/sponsor unhappy with thee space they are given or the business ad was left out of the shooters book (That has been me in years past but I’ve really mellowed). 

A good attitude is contagious! We all paid (I pay match fees, too) and worked to be there and have a good time with friends old and new. 

if you’re at a match with me and you’re feeling grumpy? Stop by my tent for a hug! No purchase required. 🤗





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