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Ruger Short Stroke - Classic Single Action

Scrub Oak Willie 53737

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I have not had a short stroke done. I've had quite a few of his (Joe Perkins) Premium Action jobs and many pairs of custom grips.  Very satisfied with all his work. 




He's a VERY dependable gunsmith...very high on the ethics meter.


His work is very good and priced below what it should be. I have his work on my backup set. My main match revolvers are Boogie SS. I prefer his over Mr. Perkins...but price-wise, Mr. Perkins guns are a great value.




Great products, both the action-work and the grips.  I would not hesitate to send another set to him.


My friend had a pair done, they are great. Fantastic work. I think he does them a little different now, and as of a week ago he has quite a backlog on work.


I have a pair of 357 SASS Vaqueros that I had Joe Perkins short stroke and action jobs done on. Very good work and great guy to deal with. 

I see your name on the list for Land Run. I will be working during the match as part of the hosting club. Let me know if you want to check them out then and I can bring them. 


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