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FBI and the Media

Lawdog Dago Dom

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No real surprises there. except that LOCAL news reports them even though national doesn't. 

Most of you will probably Remember the Gabrielle Giffords shooting from some years back here in Tucson. What you may NOT remember was that it was a Good Guy with a gun that stopped the shooter. He didn't shoot him, but saw that he was reloading and tackled him. 

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Even worse here in Canada, where the legal purchase and transfer of handguns is now in force, while the criminal use of illegally owned and used handguns has skyrocketed!

And that ain't all!


Crime up 101 percent ram.jpg

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The real shame of it all is that with the numbers staring them in the face, these idiots still have the nerve to say that what they are doing is working!!!

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1 hour ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

The real shame of it all is that with the numbers staring them in the face, these idiots still have the nerve to say that what they are doing is working!!!

It's working for them and their agenda. Most people never look at the real numbers, they just listen to the 30 second sound bites fed to them by the Lame Stream Media.

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Even after they have pushed new gun legislation through they proceed to not enforce it against certain groups.  They say they won't prosecute that specific law when committed by career criminals because it's just a "pipeline to prison" for that group. Of course they will fully prosecute a first time offender who is not a member of that group.


After not fully enforcing their new law,  when crime continues to escalate they claim the new laws arent working and they need more gun control laws. Standard operating procedure for them.

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