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Reagan - the movie

Trailrider #896

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My wife and I just saw the movie Reagan. Regardless of your thoughts on the man as President, or you political persuasion, this is a movie you must see!  For those who lived through this part of history, it is a reminder of how the more things change, the more they stay a lot the same. Dennis Quaid does an amazing job of playing Reagan, and Penelope Ann Miller as Nancy Reagan. I'm sure some liberties were taken by Hollyweird, but in general the story went pretty according to history.  God Bless the memory of Ronald Reagan, a true patriot. :FlagAm:

I am not generally moved by movies, but, especially when real photos are shown...I would recommend having a handkerchief handy, if for your significant other if not for yourself! 


i did live the era , my wife , ten years younger and living in japan then didnt actually recall it as i did , she wants to see the movie in the theater , we havent gone to a movie theater in years now - im not inclined to , but perhaps i need to give it a second thought , 


as an aside i was watching carol burnet this evening and one of the guests was gov ronald reagan , i think that was a better time to live in california , but then overall i remember it as a far better time to live anywhere 


We tried to see it in the theaters but it left here before we had the chance.  We'll have to see it on a streaming service.  



Dennis Quaid did a Superb job!



Took myself to the local theater this afternoon - still twenty-one bucks for an "old fart" ticket, small popcorn and large soda, but worth every cent.


I thought it was excellent!  At the end, not a single person got out of their seat until the credits were complete and the house lights came up.

14 hours ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:

Took myself to the local theater this afternoon - still twenty-one bucks for an "old fart" ticket, small popcorn and large soda, but worth every cent.


I thought it was excellent!  At the end, not a single person got out of their seat until the credits were complete and the house lights came up.

I'll bet some of them needed to clear their eyes before trying to leave.  I know I got choked up, especially with the credits showing real photos.

  • 2 weeks later...

I saw the movie in the theater last Saturday. I regard President Reagan as a great man, and descibe myself as a Reagan Republican, in distinction, among other things, to the current standard bearer.


Dennis Quaid is great; a spitting image of Reagan in many ways.


As a film though, it's more of a documentary than an actual movie. It differs from the usual documentary in that it is acted throughout, rather than consisting of the historical film clips and narrative usual to documentaries. But as such, it lacks drama and dramatic impact. At 2 1/2 hours, it's too long. It does have some great moments.


It is worth seeing, though.


Those wanting an unvarnished view of Reagan can pick up a copy of Bill O'Reillys "Killing Reagan" book.
It is often found in the book sections of Good Will and other bargain bins.


O'Reilly and his researcher state their sources, so I do believe it is factual in all aspects.
It deep dives into Reagan with both his warts and good points.


Some folks take umbrage with Trump and call him a womanizer.
Facts show the same is true for Kennedy, Eisenhower, FDR and Reagan.
Carter and Nixon were not.

Reagan's most admirable trait was he was virulently anti-Communist.
He wasn't particularly bright overall, and his presidency was guided by Nancy's astrologer.


I am most impressed with his anti-Communist stance, and applaud him as such.

I was given the entire set of O'Reilly books by a lodge brother who is cleaning out his father's home goods.
Those wanting a readable and factual tour of history will enjoy these.
So far, the Patton, Reagan, SS and Rising Sun books are great reads.




Reagan knew that he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed!  

What made him special and wildly successful was that he had the good sense to recognize his own shortcomings and he surrounded himself with the best and brightest.  That’s what great managers do at every level!!


Not only a person of high conservative principles, he was a man of charm and ease of manner; a true gentleman. 


He busted the USSR.


A great sense of humor. And a uniter, never a divider, notwithstanding  bitter opposition from the Left (which continues to this day).


The proof of that:

He won the 1984 election by 525 electoral votes to 13. (Mondale won only his home state, Minnesota, and DC). The biggest landslide since 1820 and the largest margin of any Republican.


We won't be seeing that again.....

1 minute ago, Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 said:

Not only a person of high conservative principles, he was a man of charm and ease of manner; a true gentleman. 


He busted the USSR.


A great sense of humor. And a uniter, never a divider, notwithstanding  bitter opposition from the Left (which continues to this day).


The proof of that:

He won the 1984 election by 525 electoral votes to 13. (Mondale won only his home state, Minnesota, and DC). The biggest landslide since 1820 and the largest margin of any Republican.


We won't be seeing that again.....

Playing poker with strangers for money.  


Reagan is my favorite President. Definitely the best president in my lifetime, in my opinion. 


I refuse to pay these inflated movie prices. I will see it streaming. 


I am a huge fan of Reagan myself, for all the reasons stated above.

Ditto on avoiding movie theaters..
High prices and the high probability of having your catalytic converters stolen while you are in the theater.


I want to see the movie but will wait until I can get it on one of my streaming services.

I do remember Reagan, I was a teen ager then.


Not a theater guy anymore.


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