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Lee 358-125-RF, Nose punch?

Uriah, SASS # 53822

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Can anyone recommend a nose punch for a Lyman lubersizer for Lee 358-125-RF.


I can’t find it in any of the Lee documents online nor can I see it in Midway.

Lyman nose punches for the 357 cal bullets: 495 RF point bullet, 429 Keith style bullet.


Help needed.




When faced with that problem,  I take the best fit. Clean it up. Steel wool it. JB Weld a little dab.  Set a bullet nose to shape.  And you got. 


If the bullet is an alloy (not pure lead) I use a flat faced punch the same size as the face of the bullet.  It works great and the same punch can be used with bullets having different sized faces.

Lucky :D


Agree with Lucky R K         plus I nose first almost everything I size  because they slide into sizer better     GW


Lee made two styles of the 358-125-RF mold, so a top punch made for the one on the left is going to leave a ring gouged into the nose of the right one. As above, just use a flat punch or fit it to the nose with a dab of JB or epoxy. Smear a bit of vaseline on the bullet so it doesn't get glued to the punch. ;)




My really old Lyman lubrisizer came with a flat top punch when I got it.  Don't know what part number it is, but it has worked fine with every cowboy flat nose bullet I've run through it.


I had a top punch for a Lyman Kieth semi-wadcutter. I used it to resize round flat bullets. It left a ring. You know what?  The targets didn't know what hit them. 


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