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Kilt my Chrono

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Well poop.  Went out to the range this morning to chrono some loads.  Over the past 40 years I have had several chronos.  Never shot or damaged any of them.  This morning I fired one shot, OK.  The next shot pieces went flying.  It actually looks like the bullet hit the very top edge of the chrono and a piece went skating down the top and the larger piece angled down into the guts.  According to the screen my velocity was somewhere between 37 fps and 11,682 fps.  I am not sure if I have met the SASS minimum velocity or exceeded the maximum.




So disappointed I did not see a photo with tartan skirt on the box! 


It's a sad day you can't measure your muzzle velocity.  Remember, "It's never too close to miss"


:lol:  GJ


If you’re looking for a new chrono I can’t recommend the Garmin Xero c1 enough. Thing is super easy to use with almost no setup time. Costly little thing, but it’s worth it. 


My buddy and I went out to chrono some black powder stuff when he ended up shooting mine just a couple of months ago. So it goes. I'll end up picking up one of those Garmins. That'll make it easier to use at the public range too. 


For the money, one like you kilt works pretty nice! Before shooting it anyway.:lol:

1 hour ago, Leroy Luck said:

If you’re looking for a new chrono I can’t recommend the Garmin Xero c1 enough. Thing is super easy to use with almost no setup time. Costly little thing, but it’s worth it. 

This . Best shooting money I have ever spent.


As a member of the kilt wearing community, I know that it is possible to ascertain, with some accuracy, the velocity of a projectile fired below the kilt, between the legs, and above terra firma.


You're still good to go.






1 hour ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

Yeah but I am merely a humble peasant and those Garmins are $600 bucks.


That's why I said I'll "end up" picking one up instead of "I did" pick one up! I used my photo gate chrono for a long time and had any number of frustrations to the point that I considered getting a lab radar years ago but couldn't really justify the cost. The Garmin unit is more expensive still but everyone seems to like it better. I'll just keep putting quarters in the swear jar...


I've been using a Labradar for years but it was almost like work.  Great results loved it but.  Bought the Garmin this year and worth every penny.  Just being able to stick it in a pocket and not worry about aiming it is worth the money and it captures every shot.  Even used it in indoor ranges standing almost shoulder to shoulder with other shooters and it only picked up one shot that wasn't mine.   If you're even remotely on the fence err on the side of the Garmin.


@Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933,


I was in a similar boat needing to fix/replace my Ohler 35P.  The cost of one was within $50 of the Garmin 😱


I bit the bullet and hope that I get 30 years of use from the Garmin like I did the Ohler.  Much nicer/easier to use (no shutting the range down for adjustments). 


Speaking of Kilt…


4 hours ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

Yeah but I am merely a humble peasant and those Garmins are $600 bucks.

I got one for sale if interested. 😄


You're doing much better than me.  I've shot mine 4 times and it still works.  To kill it with only one shot you are obviously a better aim.😄


It's all in shot placement :P


I usually just hit the wires. I guess I need to aim better. Wire hits are not good! 


Welcome to the club. My next one will be a Garmin or equivalent. 


Having chucked out an antique Shooting Chrony (the early one with the cardboard screens) a few months ago I did not have a backup!  So I went to Sportsman's Warehouse but they were out.  Sheels is a 90 mile round trip and with traffic is about a three hour trek.  So I ordered one from Amazon at 2:00 pm.  It was delivered at 5:00 pm.  So instead of driving to Sheels I got a nice nap.  Here it is charging.




Have to pay for it somehow so I had to cut Mr. Moto's rations.




Mr. Moto is not amused.



27 minutes ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

Having chucked out an antique Shooting Chrony (the early one with the cardboard screens) a few months ago I did not have a backup!  So I went to Sportsman's Warehouse but they were out.  Sheels is a 90 mile round trip and with traffic is about a three hour trek.  So I ordered one from Amazon at 2:00 pm.  It was delivered at 5:00 pm.  So instead of driving to Sheels I got a nice nap.  Here it is charging.




Have to pay for it somehow so I had to cut Mr. Moto's rations.




Mr. Moto is not amused.



U should test it tomorrow at Cowtown say about 6:30 am


If the outfit that made that chrono is still in business, they guaranteed to fix anything you did to it for $25.

When I shot mine, they replaced it for $25, but stuck the plastic face with the .44 caliber hole on the new unit.

2 hours ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

Mr. Moto is not amused.


You better sleep with one eye open my friend.


I don't want to rain on the Garmin party but LabChrono has a NEW similar produce at the same price and it is in a METAL case so you don't need to buy a shell for it.


Kind of looks like you killed it, skinned it and gutted it at the same time !

3 hours ago, Happy Jack, SASS #20451 said:

I don't want to rain on the Garmin party but LabChrono has a NEW similar produce at the same price and it is in a METAL case so you don't need to buy a shell for it.

You don't need a metal shell for the Garmin.  Am I missing something?


I had a LabRadar.  It worked well.  The Garmin Xero works as well or better and is more portable.  Time will tell if a new product has the same ease of use and reliability as the Garmin.


Howdy Larsen, 

Enjoy the new chrono. You will be hard pressed to shoot it.

I found this case to work very well.






On 8/29/2024 at 10:24 AM, Leroy Luck said:

If you’re looking for a new chrono I can’t recommend the Garmin Xero c1 enough. Thing is super easy to use with almost no setup time. Costly little thing, but it’s worth it. 

These are the bees knees.

On 8/30/2024 at 9:55 AM, Happy Jack, SASS #20451 said:

I don't want to rain on the Garmin party but LabChrono has a NEW similar produce at the same price and it is in a METAL case so you don't need to buy a shell for it.

Please post a link. I can't find LabChrono. I found the new LabRadar.




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