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Boxing question


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Would the corner guys at a boxing match have extra mouthguards?


I'm sure it doesn't happen in real life anywhere near as often as it happens on television, where Guy 1 hits Guy 2, and Guy 2's head snaps back and his mouth guard goes flying off into the audience.


But on the off chance there's something like that happened. Or if it fell on the floor and got stepped on.


Would they have spare mouth guards? It makes sense to me to do it but, would they? A lot of things make sense to me to do that people don't do.

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I can't speak to boxing - but when I played football; I had an extra mouthguard.

Our equipment guys carried extra shoelaces, helmet inserts, socks, undershirts and a myriad of other stuff.


I can't imagine corner guys at any level above first fight amateur being any less prepared.

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Professional boxers are required to wear a mouthguard during competition and the round cannot begin without it. If the mouthguard is dislodged during a fight, the referee will call time and have the boxer replace it as soon as possible. 

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