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What random things have you made?

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66 books of the Bible, 6 x 8 x 1.3 inches thick, Rounded the spine a might, Wife Painted them all according to ie. Major/ minor Prophets each group getting a different paint color... Titles on the spine as well.  Acts gets to be Royal Blue...

60 Wooden bird house kits, for out out-reach kids to make as part of one weeks lesson...

50 Wooden Fishing rods, with reels (I turned on my lathe) 

75 Wooden Bathtub Paddle wheel boats (powered by a rubber band)

To name a few...


Jabez Cowboy

Edited by Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129
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A SASS award plaque provides the perfect mounting surface for a bathroom towel holder in a location where previous screw holes didn't align with those in the holder itself.



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I haven’t made anything like a snowmobile teeter-totter. 
I did modify some bird feeders so deer couldn’t eat out of them, but the deer apparently got angry and knocked them to the ground to get the food out of them. :lol:


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How 'bout a chuck wagon dinner bell?  :rolleyes:




I've made a bunch of these ~ a few months ago I was asked to put together a "raffle prize basket" for a local Kiwanis event - so, I made a bell, a barbecue steak flipper and charcoal "rake," put 'em in a galvanized tub with some straw, a bunch of bottles of sauces, and a sauce pot.  :)




If the weather ever cools down a mite I'll make some more.  But when it's 105° outside I hates workin' over a hot forge!  





Edited by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967
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I do some segmented woodturning on the lathe.  You cut different colored pieces of wood, glue them into a ring and stack the rings up, making a pattern.  Mount the whole mass of glued up segments on the lathe and spin it up to 1000 rpm and shape it with razor sharp chisels.  Good way to pass a pandemic.  





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1. the Widdermatic

2. the Widdermajik

3. Henry 'soft stroke' .22


and in my 73 years of life, I've made a few friends and created a few broken hearts..... 😀




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3 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

1. the Widdermatic

2. the Widdermajik

3. Henry 'soft stroke' .22


and in my 73 years of life, I've made a few friends and created a few broken hearts..... 😀





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6 hours ago, Badlands Bob #61228 said:

I do some segmented woodturning on the lathe.  You cut different colored pieces of wood, glue them into a ring and stack the rings up, making a pattern.  Mount the whole mass of glued up segments on the lathe and spin it up to 1000 rpm and shape it with razor sharp chisels.  Good way to pass a pandemic.  





We need a “holy cow, that’s awesome” emoji!!! I might settle for a simple “wow!” In a pinch. 

:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:
Gateway Kid

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Emoji's...... we need better emoji's for the responses.

yeah I know the written reply has some, but then I have to actually type something!

Like and thanks just don't do it right!


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm: 

Gateway Kid

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16 hours ago, Kid Rich said:

Did ya do em both at the same time?




5 years between............ one at the drive in movies and one in the sand hills behind the beach......and they just LOVE hearing that!!!!!!!  :D

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Not me, but my son, Sassparilla Kid ~ between Christmas and New Year's, 2022, he had a week of "dead time" and wanted to do something constructive - so he decided to build a mobile smoker/grill/cooker rig.  :)


Started with a scrapped 300 gallon butane tank from JL Hank's ranch...  :rolleyes:


Hatches cut, hinges and handles installed....



                                                                               Firebox fabricated and welded to smoker



                                                                                Scratch-built trailer frame ~ Toyota Tacoma rims and tires



                                                                                     Constructing the Santa Maria grill box



          Smoker and grill box mounted to trailer frame



                                                                                  Almost ready to cook!



                                                                                                      Ready to go!  Just missing propane tank.



     The first "outing," a pig cook-out for the young lady's birthday ~ JL Hank's daughter; KRR Hank's grand-daughter.  :)



Sassparilla and a buddy cooking for a wedding ~ bunch of tri-tips on the Santa Maria; smoker was cooking chickens.




Another picture from the li'l gal's birthday cook-out.  ^_^


Edited by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967
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